How To Learn To Draw Furniture

How To Learn To Draw Furniture
How To Learn To Draw Furniture

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Furniture often becomes the background in drawings, in the foreground of which are depicted more interesting objects - people, animals, or at least still lifes. However, a mistake made in the image of a secondary table or sofa can spoil the impression of the whole picture. Therefore, it is worth taking a little time and learning how to draw various pieces of furniture.

How to learn to draw furniture
How to learn to draw furniture


Step 1

To set the coordinates for the picture, divide the sheet into equal parts with the vertical and horizontal axes. In the lower right quarter, start drawing the table. The horizontal axis touches its far side.

Step 2

Construct the table shape as a parallelepiped. This will determine its correct location in space. After that, you can draw the details.

Step 3

Mark the approximate length of the table surface, and then set the same distance vertically - this is the height from the far left corner to the right front leg. The right side of the table is closer to the viewer than the left. Therefore, deviate the horizontal edges of the parallelepiped from the horizontal axis by about 5 °. Three horizontal lines - on the table top and the one on which the legs are located, are parallel to each other.

Step 4

Slightly stepping back from the edges of the parallelepiped, draw the segments strictly vertically - the legs. They are also parallel. Tilt the side edges from the vertical axis of the sheet by about 45 °. Visually, these lines should converge, so slightly increase the slope of the left side rib.

Step 5

Erase construction lines. Draw the folds on the tablecloth. Color or shade to make an object look three-dimensional. If you are just learning to paint furniture, it is better to work with one color in order to understand the principles of its distribution.

Step 6

Determine where the light source is. In this photo, he is from above, almost opposite the viewer. This means that the shadows from objects will fall vertically downward. Draw thin lines for the outlines of the shadows. The surface of the table is well lit, so it can be painted over with an even, very light shade of the selected color. In the shadows, convey the gradation of color - it loses its saturation as the distance from the subject increases.

Step 7

The right edge of the tablecloth will become darker than the surface of the table. Darken the top at the fold. Along the fold at the far corner, the color becomes almost black.

Step 8

On the front edge of the table, also darken a fairly rich tone near the edge. It should contrast with the almost white lid. Finish the drawing by drawing a shadow on the floor.

Step 9

Most pieces of furniture can be drawn in the same way - by inscribing them into geometric shapes (parallelepiped or cylinder).
