How To Make Saline

How To Make Saline
How To Make Saline

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In nature, the content of salts in natural plant feed required for the nutrition of herbivores is extremely low. Therefore, animals (hares, deer, roe deer, elk) need mineral salts for the normal development of the body. The lack of salts is compensated by the device of artificial salt licks. There are several types of salt licks devices: troughs made of boards; hollowed out troughs in the trunk of a felled tree; solonet - "column"; saline - "split".

Near the salt lick
Near the salt lick


Step 1

Trough made of boards. Prepare planks, preferably from hardwood. The size of the trough is approximately 75x35 cm, the height of the side is 20 cm.

Step 2

Knock off a trough and secure it at a height of one meter from the ground. Drive strong stakes into the ground first. You get a version of a trough made of boards.

Step 3

Trunks of felled trees are usually used to feed moose (you can only cut a tree with the permission of the gamekeeper). In this case, do the solonet as follows. Use an ax to cut out a 50 cm long trough in the tree trunk and put salt in it.

Step 4

Make several troughs along the trunk. Access to salt licks will become freer, and the ground will be less trampled. The advantage of this device is that precipitation will dissolve the salt in the trough and saturate the bark of the tree. Such bark is eagerly eaten by animals.

Step 5

To make a salt lick of the "column" type, select a stump, make a depression in the middle with an ax and put the salt.

Step 6

If the stump is narrow, nail the planks around the circumference. Make the height of the planks 10 cm higher than the stump cut. If there is no stump, bury a post in the ground and make a salt pit the same way with the stump. Arrange this type of salt lick in the feeding area of animals.

Step 7

You can make a "split" type of salt lick by picking up a suitable stump with a diameter of 15 cm. Use an ax to split the stump. Insert a wedge and place a piece of salt on top of it.

Step 8

Put lump rock salt into the salt licks. It is not destroyed by precipitation.

Step 9

Periodically clean the salt licks, if necessary, arrange new ones.
