If your childhood dream is to be on the other side of the TV screen or on the pages of newspapers and magazines, if you always wanted to be in the center of media attention, everything is in your hands! You can achieve this with your favorite hobby and some minimal effort. It doesn't matter if your hobby is wood carving or collecting beer cans. Everyone has a chance to get their moment of fame!

First, let's figure out what exactly might interest journalists in your person so that they interview you or invite you to a TV show. Your hobby is a good reason to film a story about you. But for this it should not be quite ordinary. For this to happen, your hobby must acquire an astonishing scale. For example, you have been collecting cats for 20 years and made a whole room with them, or you have created a pyramid out of lids from chips and its height is two meters. Your perseverance will be rewarded with attention from the press, since this is rare in life. Alternatively, your hobby is very rare or unique. Examples: you create installations from noodles, matches or other unusual material, your pet is a chameleon, cheetah or python, you organize balls with a historical bias. If your hobby is not so exotic, it can still arouse interest and admiration, if you do your job with skill and love. These hobbies include various types of handicrafts, dancing, playing musical instruments, floriculture and much more, for which you have enough imagination. What can you do to get noticed? Feel free to tell others about yourself. Word of mouth is a very powerful way of spreading information that can also reach the media. Find thematic publications, TV channels, where your hobby may be of interest. There are specialized programs and headings in magazines for florists, needlewomen, athletes, photographers, and their hosts are constantly in need of new heroes. Many TV channels and magazines have now started their pages on social networks and have opened topics there inviting interesting people to tell about themselves. Often, journalists themselves find characters for their programs on the Internet, so your task is to tell the world about your hobby through various sites and social networks. Your activity will not go unnoticed. It is also helpful to participate in themed festivals, fairs or competitions. At such events, representatives of the press are present, who interview the participants of the event or ask them to give them a business card in order to later invite them on TV or write an article about them. The more interesting you are as a person, the more chances you have of getting on TV, radio or print media. Even if your hobby is quite traditional, you can play on the fact that it has become a way for you to earn money, or maybe a movie star is wearing a piece of jewelry you create, or you organized a hobby group for those who are passionate about the same thing as you.