If earlier even children were able to weave mandalas, now that this art has become popular again, for many adults it seems complicated and confusing. So, we gain patience and understand the nuances of weaving decorative mandalas.

It is necessary
4 sticks, threads of different colors, scissors
Step 1
To weave a medium-sized octagonal mandala, you will need 4 sticks about 30 cm long and 5-7 mm thick. Any sticks that do not bend will do. If they are rough (wooden) it will make the job easier. You can take almost any thread - the main thing is that they are thick enough and not too "fleecy".
Step 2
Take two sticks, attach them parallel to each other and tie with a thread, securing it with a knot. Spread the sticks apart so that they are at a 90 degree angle. Put the thread on the shelf, run it under it and put it on top of the next stick. Continue braiding the base in this way until you get a square up to a quarter of the length of the sticks. If you want to change the color inside the square, cut the first thread and fasten with a knot, and tie the new one, subsequently hiding its tail under the new rows of weaving.
Step 3
Weave a square of the same size on the other two sticks.
Step 4
Place two blanks with squares so that the ends of the sticks are sequentially at the same 45 degree angle.
Step 5
Tie a new thread onto one of the sticks on the bottom blank. Twist the sticks with it in two, i.e. wrap the thread around every third mandala stick. Make sure to maintain the same distance between the sticks so that the correct shape of the craft does not change. The size of this rosette and its colors depend only on your imagination.
Step 6
Tie the next color to the bottom of the garment and braid every other stick. The alternation of colors is also free here. When the square is wide enough, weave the same on the top of the mandala. After that, you can alternate weaving through one and two, until about 5-7 cm remains to the end of the wooden base.
Step 7
Tie a new color to the structure and wrap it around each stick. When about 2 cm of strips remain free, fasten the next thread and wrap the stick with it all the way up, then down, then pull it to the next "beam" and do the same process. When all eight sticks are braided, tie the thread in a knot and either hide it on the inside of the mandala, or make a loop for hanging the product.