Diamond Stone: Magical And Healing Properties

Diamond Stone: Magical And Healing Properties
Diamond Stone: Magical And Healing Properties

Diamond is a stone that is known all over the world. He has amazing characteristics and is able to amaze any person with his beauty. The mineral began to be used as decorations back in the ancient years. In addition, the diamond also acted as a currency. There are many legends and rumors around the stone. And its magical and medicinal properties are amazing even at the present stage.

Cut diamond
Cut diamond

It is not known exactly when the diamond stone was found. According to some scientists, the age of the mineral may be equal to the age of the planet.

The origin of the stone is associated with India. It was in this country that diamonds of various types were first mined. But no one was engaged in their cutting, tk. there was no appropriate equipment.

Diamonds came to Europe thanks to Alexander the Great. He went to India to purchase precious stones. Sell minerals to everyone in Bruges. And it was in this city that they first thought about cutting a popular stone. After processing, the mineral began to be called a diamond.

Healing properties

Diamond has many qualities that will help with healing. According to lithotherapists, the mineral is most effective in eliminating diseases associated with the stomach, liver and kidneys. But the diamond is able to cope with other diseases as well.

Rough diamond
Rough diamond

Due to the healing properties of diamond, mental health can be improved. The mineral helps to cope with neuroses, schizophrenia. You should buy it if you have trouble sleeping.

According to lithotherapists, diamond is able to normalize blood pressure and blood circulation.

In the old days, the diamond symbolized maternal happiness. Therefore, it can be given to pregnant and giving birth women. Thanks to such a gift, you can significantly reduce the risk of complications.

Earlier, the diamond was used to speed up the healing of wounds. Lithotherapists advise using it for these purposes at the present stage. For example, a stone can help shorten the postoperative period.

Magical properties

Diamond has more than just medicinal qualities. The mineral was also used in magical practices. This is due to the fact that the stone has a powerful energy. Thanks to this, he is able to bestow power on his owner. But a diamond can also harm if you treat it with disdain.

Previously, the stone was used as an antidote. With its help, it was possible to return a person to a normal state. And the rulers, using the diamond, strengthened their power.

In ancient Greece, it was believed that the diamond attracts good luck to its owner. The inhabitants of India and Iran used the dust of the gem as a powerful amulet. They showered her babies. It was believed that thanks to such manipulations, the baby's life would be happy and healthy. The Arabs used the stone in battles. In their opinion, those who had more stones won.

At the present stage, a diamond is a symbol of purity and innocence. It has the following characteristics.

  1. Able to protect the owner from the evil eye and damage.
  2. Brings good luck. The owner of the mineral will be able to complete any project with a benefit for himself.
  3. Strengthening family union and maternal health is another magical property of diamond.

To take full advantage of the amazing qualities, you must receive a diamond as a gift. It is not recommended to purchase it yourself. Especially women. The mineral should be presented by a loved one. In addition, it is worth preparing for trouble if the diamond was acquired illegally.

Cut diamond
Cut diamond

An amulet with a diamond will protect only the person who has a pure soul. Diamonds have a dark past. For his sake, many went to crimes. But after a while, the criminals themselves suffered.

Who is the diamond suitable for? The stone is best purchased for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. The mineral is ideal for the representatives of these signs. He will make them more daring and inventive. Suitable stone for Libra. With its help, representatives of the sign will be able to get rid of indecision and anxiety.

Pisces and Cancers should not risk it. Their principles and innate qualities are not combined with the properties of the popular mineral.
