The voluminous shining star is a great Christmas decoration. It can be hung on a wall or cornice. If you attach a cardboard tube, the star can be put on the top of the tree. There are several ways to make such a decoration.

Which foil should you choose?
Thin single-layer foil for crafts in this case is not suitable, as, indeed, and food. This material wrinkles too easily. Paper-backed foil, which can sometimes be found in stationery stores or where art supplies are sold, will do. The paper layer prevents the foil from wrinkling, so this material keeps its shape well. You will also need PVA glue or double-sided tape, scissors, a piece of paper or cardboard for a template, a ruler. If you still do not find paper-based foil in the store, you can buy thin foil, but then you will need another piece of Whatman paper or cardboard.
Making a template
A solid star is glued together from five identical rhombuses. Draw this diamond on the cardboard. Trace it over the paper side of the foil, leaving 1cm allowances on each side. Cut out 10 of these diamonds. If you are going to put the star on the tree, you also need a tube, and one that can be glued between the halves of the star. It can be twisted from the same foil and flattened at one end.
The star has two halves. Bend each diamond in half along the long diagonal with the paper side inward, smooth the fold, and then unfold the diamond again. Fold the overlays onto the paper side. Mark sharp corners on both blanks. This will be the center of the star. Glue the sides adjacent to these corners with PVA glue or double-sided tape. Glue the third diamond, fourth and fifth. Assemble the other half in the same way. Glue the halves together by placing the flat side of the tube between them inside the star.
Thin Foil Star
A volumetric star can also be made from thin foil. It will take a little longer, but the result will not be worse. Stick the sheets of foil onto a Whatman paper or thin cardboard. Double-sided tape is not very suitable in this case, because it does not bend well. Wait until the material dries, and then make a star using the same technology as in the first case, that is, cut out 10 diamonds, bend them, glue the halves, and then the whole star.
The third method of making a volumetric star
You can first make the base of the star out of paper, and then paste over it with foil. This method is good if the star itself is made using the papier-mâché technique, and pasted over, for example, with food foil. Blind a plasticine star. Lubricate it with Vaseline or a cheap, greasy cream. Make the first layer from napkins glued to the water. Place the remaining layers on paste or PVA glue. When the star is ready, cut it into 2 halves, remove the plasticine and glue. Cover your artwork with foil. Another option is also possible - first prime the product with water-based paint, and then cover it with silver or bronze.