Stability and undeniable truth - this is what the cube symbolizes. This meaning is taken from architecture, because cubes are the basis of the foundation for buildings. For the Chinese people, he is considered the deity of the Earth, and in Israel the cube is the Holy of All Saints. How to make an origami cube yourself?

Necessary materials
To complete the cube using the origami technique, you will need six sheets of paper, which should be easy to fold. It is best to opt for colored paper. You can choose paper of the same color, but a multi-colored cube will look prettier. First of all, you need to prepare the sheets, since square blanks are needed to complete the sides of the cube.
Paper handling
First, a middle line is drawn on one of the square sheets of paper. Then, in the resulting two parts, the middle lines are also outlined. The upper right and lower left corners are bent to them. Then two “valley” folds are made. Two lines are outlined again. To do this, a line is drawn from the lower left corner to the middle of the upper part of the workpiece, and from the upper right corner, respectively, a line is drawn to the middle of the lower part.
At the next stage, the lower right corner is laid under the top layer of paper along the marked line. A similar action occurs with the upper left corner, which you want to put in the resulting lower pocket. Then the figure is turned over, two folds are made along the previously indicated lines. Thus, one piece of the cube is obtained, which has two pockets and two inserts.
In order to completely make an origami cube, you will need five more such parts, which are subsequently connected. First, two sides of the cube are taken and connected using inserts, after which the third part is attached. The other three sides of the craft are also neatly attached. Care must be taken when inserting the inserts into the pockets to avoid tearing the paper. The origami cube is ready!
Valley fold
The dotted line on the diagram for making a figure using the origami technique indicates that you need to make a "valley" fold. The line shows that the parts of the sheet of paper where it is located should be folded over. The direction in which the folding should take place is indicated with an arrow. The fold must be done strictly along the dotted line. After the valley fold is completed, the dotted line remains in the interior of the product.
If the cube is executed strictly according to the scheme, then it is recommended to study the designations of possible lines in advance and view the basic origami forms. This will simplify the work with paper, avoid elementary mistakes and make the product neater, without unnecessary lines on the front side.