Floral motifs are popular with knitters. With their help, you can decorate any thing - a skirt, vest, hat, gloves. You can also use them separately - to make an interesting hair clip, sew to an elastic band on your hair, make a flower headband. One of the more popular floral motifs is of course the rose.

It is necessary
- - yarn
- - hook.
Step 1
First, pick the right yarn and crochet hook. The thinner the yarn, the more elegant the knitted rose looks. It is best to take the yarn from fine mercerized cotton like iris. You can use both single-color yarn, and with a transitional color.
Step 2
Cast on a chain of five chain stitches and close it into a ring. Then make five more air loops (three of them are lifting) and knit one double crochet. Then two air loops and again a double crochet into the next loop. So it is necessary to tie the whole circle, alternating double crochets and two air loops. Close the row with a chain loop, which should be knitted into the third loop of the initial chain.
Step 3
You have six arches for future petals, and now you can start knitting them. Each petal consists of a single crochet, followed by three single crochets, then single crochet again. The petal is closed with an air loop, knitted in a double crochet on the previous row.
Step 4
Now we need to create the base for the second row of petals. One base consists of a chain of three air loops attached to the flower at the point where the petals in the previous row are connected using an air loop. This arch needs to be knitted six times.
Step 5
Knit the petals on the base. Now one petal has five crochets and two single crochets around the edges.
Step 6
You can make this rosette in any size. It all depends on how many rows of petals you tie it. When knitting each subsequent arch for the petals, add one air loop. When knitting the petals themselves, add two single crochets.
Step 7
Tie the ends of the threads neatly into the finished garment and cut them off. Your beautiful, voluminous crocheted rose is ready.