The fascination of millions of teenagers with comics is understandable. This is a magical world in which everything is for real: as in the real world, the same struggle between good and evil takes place there, and good does not always win unequivocally. But if someone only likes to read and fantasize, then others prefer to create their own stories, in which the main role belongs to the superhero. Like any other genre, comics have their own laws, and the depiction of the main characters is subject to them.

Step 1
Draw a general outline. Let's call him a dummy. At the initial stage, observance of all body proportions is of paramount importance. If you do not correlate the sizes of individual parts of the body with each other, do not take into account the law of perspective, do not indicate the correct direction of movement, then in the end you will see that your hero turned out to be dystrophic with arms of different sizes, short legs and an unnatural pose.
Step 2
Your character must move. There is no place for static figures in the comic, so while your superhero appears before you only in the form of a dummy, give him a certain pose. It is best to draw a superhero when he moves forward: the body is slightly tilted forward, the legs are separated by a step width, and the arms are spread.
Step 3
Now the dummy needs to build up its shape. The main characters in comics differ from ordinary people in that some parts of their bodies are deliberately hypertrophied. In men, these are most often the chest, muscles of the shoulders and hips. Women have high breasts, very narrow waist and wide hips. Just building up the form, do not get carried away much, otherwise something like the Hulk will come out.
Step 4
Work your muscles. Here you cannot do without knowledge of the basics of anatomy. Do not try to draw too much detail on the muscles that will be under the suit. Think about dynamics: highlight the muscles that show the direction of movement. They should be more prominent and sharply defined to show their tension.
Step 5
Draw parts of the costume. At this stage, you need to think over all the symbolism of your character. It must be logically connected with his unique abilities, making him a real superhero.
Step 6
The final stage is detailing and contouring. All the lines that you drew before with a pencil now need to be replaced with strokes applied with a black gel pen. Draw a path, fill in the details with color and don't forget about the shadows, which are drawn in comics without smooth transitions.