How To Design A Superhero

How To Design A Superhero
How To Design A Superhero

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There are many superhero comics, cartoons and movies released every day. They are fearless, strong warriors dressed in colorful costumes. Many of them have superhuman abilities. It's easy to come up with a superhero, the main thing is to have imagination and a developed imagination. It is also desirable to be able to draw well.

How to design a superhero
How to design a superhero


Step 1

Come up with a hero in your imagination. It's like building a house or painting a picture. You must first think about your hero's project. Imagine his appearance, height, hair color and length, physique. Most superheroes are tall and muscular, although there are exceptions. But the muscular hero looks much more impressive. But this is a matter of taste.

Step 2

Think immediately about his abilities. There are two directions here: superhuman strength or a trained warrior. Record the origin of its capabilities. It is worth noting here how your character became like this. Either he trained long and hard, or as a result of the mutation, he began to possess extraordinary powers.

Step 3

Draw your superhero. First, sketch on paper according to your idea of it. Don't use many colors. Most heroes use 1-3 different colors on their costumes. Draw the elements of the costume and symbolism of the hero. Usually the symbol is indicated on the chest. But this is not a prerequisite. Some heroes prefer complete anonymity.

Step 4

Choose your superhero mask. It can be of three types: it completely hides the face, hides half of the face, and is available only in the area of the eyes. Some heroes may have special "devices", like those used by Batman. These are various cats, tracking devices, vehicles and more. Draw them too.

Step 5

Create a biography of the superhero. Here indicate how he received his powers, why he embarked on the path of fighting evil. Describe his childhood and adolescence, education and career. Create a small plot that will lead your character to the path of a superhero. You can also think over his biography in full from birth to alleged death. You can write about his interaction with other characters, partners, the opposite sex.

Step 6

Deal with enemies. The superhero must have enemies and one "super enemy". Come up with at least a couple of common enemies. Draw them and write a short biography. The plot of the development of the confrontation between the superhero and his super enemy is very important. Usually one of them is the reason for the appearance of the other ("Batman" and "Joker", "Spiderman" and "Venom"). Come up with special powers and capabilities for him.
