Where "The Hangover In Vegas 3" Is Filmed

Where "The Hangover In Vegas 3" Is Filmed
Where "The Hangover In Vegas 3" Is Filmed

Both The Hangover in Vegas and The Hangover 2: Vegas to Bangkok, released in 2009 and 2011, won the hearts of millions around the world and entered the Top 15 Most Grossing Movies of All Time. It is not surprising that after such a success, viewers are waiting for a sequel, and the producer plans to shoot the third part.

Where is filming
Where is filming

In the first film, four friends travel to Las Vegas to celebrate one of their bachelor parties. But after drinking a lot of alcoholic drinks, the standard celebration turns into a huge adventure with the most unexpected consequences.

The main roles were played by Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis, Ed Helms and Justin Barta, as well as Rachel Harris, Hazer Graham and many others. With a budget of $ 35 million, Bachelor Party in Vegas has grossed more than $ 460 million worldwide.

"Bachelor Party 2: From Vegas to Bangkok" develops a plot full of no less interesting and funny adventures, but already in Thailand, where friends go to the wedding of their second friend. Naturally, the bachelor party held in Bangkok was also originally supposed to be calm and quiet, but turned into a real madness.

The role of director, producer and screenwriter was again played by Todd Phillips, who also shot the first picture. It was at the premiere of the second part that he announced his desire to release a sequel to the acclaimed tape, because it was originally conceived by him as a trilogy.

According to him, the third part of "Bachelor Party" will differ significantly from the first two, not only in the plot, but also in the place of action. The main events of the picture will develop in the very heart of sunny California - Los Angeles, where at the end of summer 2012 the shooting of the continuation of the first two parts will begin. Also, he announced that "The Bachelor Party" will be the final film about the famous adventures of four friends.

Naturally, the leading roles were played by the same actors as in the first two films, and their fee increased several times compared to 2009. In one of the interviews, the actors repeatedly mentioned that one of them would end up in a psychiatric clinic, from which he would have to flee. The premiere of "Bachelor Party 3" is scheduled for May 2013.