Activities with a child aimed at creative development and imagination are beneficial. If we add to this one more material that does not require material costs, and then receive a certificate for the craft at some school or city exhibition, then the success of the event "How to make a robot from scrap materials" is beyond doubt.

It is necessary
- - boxes of tea, coffee, toothpastes, creams (and others to your taste);
- - glue-moment or liquid nails;
- - spray cans with car paint in black and gold;
- - Printed drawings of screwdrivers, wrenches and gas wrenches;
- - empty blisters from candies or tablets.
Step 1
We glue the body of the robot. We glue the smaller box to the largest box - this is the neck. Glue a head of a suitable size on top. The robot's arms and legs are toothpaste boxes. The feet are tea boxes, the brushes are boxes of face creams.
Step 2
On the front of the body, we make out a monitor-visor - we glue another tea box. At the back we make a base for the pressure gauge - a round cheese box with triangles.
Step 3
After all parts of the body are well glued and dry, the robot needs to be painted. Using spray cans with car paint, paint the blank in random order. This procedure should be done outdoors or in a well-ventilated large area (such as a garage).
Step 4
Now we make out the details - we make the eyes from empty cells from the box of chocolates, the mouth - chocolate "Inspiration", for example. We glue buttons on the body - empty blisters from pills, painted with a black marker. We print out drawings of a microcircuit, a pressure gauge, wrenches, screwdrivers on a printer. We glue them on cardboard for strength. We paint with felt-tip pens or paints. We glue the microcircuit on the front of the body - this is a monitor. We attach the pressure gauge to the back, on a round box. We stick wrenches and screwdrivers as desired - on the robot's arms, on the belt, on the back.