There are tons of ideas on how to decorate a pot that you get tired of. Some ideas for such a transformation of pots are really considered difficult, while others are quite easy to implement, and everything you need to make your pot sparkle with new colors is for the most part you have at home, and what is missing can be easily purchased.

So, here is one of the options that will help you turn an old pot into a work of art on your own.
You will need a plastic pot, putty, various glass pieces, PVA glue, special varnish, a small brush and a clean cloth. In this case, glass was used that was collected from the coast, but you can use everything from seashells to pebbles, or you can go to a pet store and buy special colored pebbles there.
It is better if your glasses or stones are of several colors, in this case, you can lay out the drawing. So, when you have decided what kind of drawing you will have, you need to lay it out on paper.
Then, when you already know exactly what drawing you will have, you start working on it. First of all, you must glue the main drawing to the pot, and only then the background. Be sure to wait for the glue to dry, remember that this painstaking task can take you up to several days.
After that you apply the putty, don't try to put the putty on the seams only. It is better to coat the pot completely, do not be alarmed if a few pieces of glass fall off, you can glue them after the putty is dry. It takes about 24 hours for the putty to dry.
After you have applied the putty, wait no more than 5 minutes, and then take your rag and begin to slowly wash off the putty from the pebbles. After that, wait until the putty is completely dry.
After a day, or better one and a half, to be sure that the putty is dry, the easiest thing begins, you must cover all the pieces of glass with varnish. Wait for the varnish to dry and hold the pot up to the light. Your glasses do not shine with real light, it turned out very beautifully and the main thing is that you did it yourself.
As you can see, it doesn't take much skill to decorate a pot. But assiduity and rich imagination will not be superfluous here. Thus, you can make your own collection of pots, unique from others.