How Do I Get The Color I Want?

How Do I Get The Color I Want?
How Do I Get The Color I Want?

Color mixing is a whole science. Despite this, not only an artist can get the necessary shade of any paint. The main thing is that at least three base paints are available - red, green and blue.

How do I get the color I want?
How do I get the color I want?

There are times when you can't buy paint of the color you need. How to proceed? You can leave a request in the store, contact a specialist, or use a small instruction on mixing colors. Such information can be useful to everyone who is engaged in one way or another, is interested in design, painting, decoration and decoration of premises.

Red, green and blue are three colors, mixing which you can find all the basic shades. A mixture of red and blue in equal proportions will give violet, while shifting the percentage towards red - we will get magenta.

Adding blue to green, we get yellow, mixing red with green - we get gray, because these colors are complementary to each other, on the color wheel such colors are located opposite each other. By the way, yellow and purple are also referred to as such. By adding white or black paint, we will lighten, respectively, or vice versa, darken our existing shade. So, adding white to purple, you get a lilac tone or other saturation. By introducing a black dye to orange, we get a brown tint.

But what if we don't have black, but it is necessary to get a dark shade? In this case, knowing what happens when mixing additional colors, we can take advantage of this. Although you won't get pure shades, with a limited palette and as a temporary solution, such a move will be indispensable. In turn, if it is necessary to lighten any shade, it will not be possible to do without whitewash.

Here only the basics are considered, but in general there is a separate science that studies the nature of color - coloristics.
