In order to add an additional highlight to the interior, a small coil of copper wire is enough. Now you will learn how a simple wire will turn into a decorative vase.

It is necessary
- - strong copper wire;
- - nippers;
- - scissors;
- - dark electrical tape;
- - fabric scraps;
- - hot glue.
Step 1
First of all, make the basis for your future decorative vase. To do this, cut a piece of the required length from the wire and bend it either in the form of a square or in the form of a circle, but do not fix the ends.
Step 2
Now cut pieces of the same length from the copper wire for the walls of the future decorative vase. Their number can be any, in our case 6. Then make small loops at the ends of each segment. To do this, bend the ends of the wire and twist around the base. If you want to hide the edges of the loops, then wrap them with dark electrical tape.

Step 3
Insert a previously prepared round or square base into the loops formed at the edges of the wire. Having planted all the copper segments on the base, fix its edges with electrical tape. Then cut out a small circle from the wire, which will play the role of a neck in the decorative vase, and fasten it to the wire rods in the same way.

Step 4
To prevent the decorative vase from looking boring, you need to add two jumpers to it. One bridge should be exactly the same size as the base of the product, and the other should be like the neck. Having made these parts, fix them on the craft with electrical tape.

Step 5
Taking the fabric, cut it out so that you get segments that are one centimeter wide. With the resulting details, wrap the frame of the craft. Do not forget to fix the fabric with hot glue from time to time and make sure that the duct tape does not show through anywhere. This decorative wire vase is ready!