The school corner has one very important purpose. It should create a mood and make learning more interesting and enjoyable for students. After all, the school corner is, first of all, a place of rest. Therefore, when creating it, you need to take into account the interests of all children.

Step 1
When starting to design a school corner, remember that it must necessarily meet several conditions. Its task is to broaden the horizons of students, increase the productivity of educational work, develop the creative abilities of children, and also find a way to work together with parents.
Step 2
When decorating such a corner, keep in mind that it is mainly based on your knowledge and skills as a teacher. But without the participation of children, he will not be useful and will not meet the tasks assigned to him. The content of information stands should not be monotonous and boring. It is desirable that the children themselves change, supplement, create materials for the wall newspaper, invent information sheets and draw pictures.
Step 3
Of course, when decorating a corner, the teacher should remember that this place should correspond to the general interior of the school. In addition, it should help schoolchildren develop harmoniously, therefore, each section and section of the corner should correspond to the age and interests of the children. And everyone who comes to look at your corner could immediately see how the school and extracurricular life of children goes.
Step 4
There must be information stands in the corner, which are devoted to the main aspects of life. For example, campaign posters should teach children what is “good” and what is “bad”. It is desirable that these were not just purchased ready-made posters. It will be better, clearer and clearer if you draw them yourself together with your students.
Step 5
A separate place in the corner should be set aside for the creative work of children. Each of them must be signed. It is also necessary to organize thematic exhibitions for the holidays, where children can bring their crafts.
Step 6
Don't forget about the honor board. Here you need to praise everyone who really deserves it. And for other children, such an example will be contagious. The main thing is, when creating a school corner, remember that you need to put your soul into it. Only in this case it will be really useful, and not made "for show".