What Are The Roses

What Are The Roses
What Are The Roses

Rose has been considered the queen of flowers for a long time. Breeders have bred a huge number of varieties of different shapes and colors. There were several projects for the classification of roses, currently, florists use a classification based on the sustainable garden characteristics of a flower and the principles of application of each group in the garden, it was approved by the World Federation of Rose Communities in Oxford in 1976.

What are the roses
What are the roses

Chinese rose

It is a shrub rose that is the ancestor of many modern garden varieties. Its flowers come with simple or semi-double inflorescences, as a rule, very fragrant, but there are also odorless varieties. The peculiarity of this rose is that its petals change shades from light to dark as the bud opens.

Tea rose

These are roses - with large flowers, traditionally yellow, cream and pink shades with a delicate scent of tea. The tea rose, like the Chinese one, was brought to Europe from China.

Today, only one variety of tea rose Gloire de Dijon is known, but breeders have bred many varieties of hybrid tea roses. They have a wide variety of colors. Among all this variety, the Peer Gynt variety can be distinguished, it blooms very early, the flowers are golden yellow with a pink bloom around the edges, slightly fragrant, with a delicate tea aroma. The hybrid tea rose of the Piccadilly variety is very easy to cultivate, its flowers are semi-double, inside they have a bright red color, and outside they are yellow. It blooms very profusely. Interesting varieties are Polar Star, Pink Favorite, Rose Gaujard, Ruby Wedding, Morning of Moscow and many others.

Floribunda rose

It is a hybrid of polyanthus and hybrid tea roses. The varieties of this rose are distinguished by a variety of colors and splendor of flowers. Floribunda rose has a strong aroma.

Floribunda roses can be grown both in the garden and at home.

Varieties of domestic selection: Marina (a very spectacular orange rose with a golden yellow center), Poetry (an apricot-pink rose), Red poppy (the flowers of this rose are double, velvety, dark red). Foreign varieties - Parfait, Southampton, Melody Maker and many others.

Polyanthus rose

Roses of this group are covered with flowers throughout the summer. Low bushes (50-60 cm in height) are covered with numerous small flowers, collected in inflorescences (up to 200 buds can bloom on one bush at a time). The following varieties of polyanthus roses are interesting - Border King, Little White Pet, Orange Triumph, The Fairy.

Repaired rose

These roses are distinguished by long flowering and strong growth, they usually bloom twice in one summer. The rose bushes are powerful (1-2 meters in height), the flowers are large, double with a strong aroma.

Groundcover rose

The first varieties of this rose were obtained only in the 70s as a result of crossing the Vihura climbing rose and the miniature one. They are distinguished by arcuate shoots creeping along the ground, small leaves and very fragrant flowers.

This group includes small creeping varieties (Avon, Snow Carpet, Bower Carpet, Suma, Wiltshire), small drooping varieties (Ferdy, Kent, Magic Carpet, Blenheim), steep creeping and drooping varieties (Max Graf and Fiona).

Climbing rose

There are 2 subgroups in this group:

- Rambler roses;

- Climber roses.

Gorgeous roses of this group have very long shoots, reaching a length of 3-4 meters, so they need a support to grow them. This can be a pergola or retaining wall. The flowering is profuse and very long.

The climbing rose Rambler of the old Alberic Barbier variety is very unpretentious, its small creamy flowers have a delicate aroma. For cultivation, you can recommend the varieties Dorothy Perkins, Bobbie James, Felicite Perpetue, Veilchenblau, and so on. Among the numerous varieties of the Climber rose, one can distinguish Maiden's Dreams, Sympathy, Zephirine Drouhin.

Miniature rose

The average height of compact bushes is 20 cm, so they are often grown indoors. If you follow all the rules for caring for indoor roses, then you can achieve flowering all year round every 2 months.

Also, miniature roses are used to decorate the foreground of flower beds and rock gardens.

Park rose

These roses are quite unpretentious, they are not afraid of frosts, they grow well both in central Russia and in Siberia. The bushes are powerful and voluminous, so it is mainly grown in parks and large gardens. Roses of this group have a wide variety of colors from boiling white flowers to black, except for blue roses.