The cover, which you can not only buy, but also make with your own hands, for example, from fabric, will help to keep your favorite books in good condition. And so that the homemade cover does not seem too boring, you can decorate it with an applique.

It is necessary
- - felt or felt green, brown, white and blue;
- - floss threads of the same colors as the material;
- - pencil;
- - scissors;
- - book;
- - application;
- - ruler.
Step 1
The first step is to prepare all the materials you need to create your book cover.

Step 2
If you do not have any application, then you can do it yourself. First, cut a square out of brown felt with sides slightly narrower than the book itself, then cut another square out of blue felt, the size of which is slightly smaller than the previous one. Next, print the presented template, cut out all the details, transfer to the fabric and sew in large stitches using floss threads. Use the sample just above as a reference.

Step 3
Take the book you are making the cover for. Put the cloth in front of the crash and lay the book on it in an unfolded state (hold the pages of the book so that they are perpendicular to the cover itself). Draw a pencil around the cover of the book, about five millimeters away from the edge. Cut the workpiece.

Step 4
Measure the width and height of your book cover. Cut two rectangles out of the fabric with sides equal to the height of the cover and half its width.

Step 5
Place the made applique on the right side of the cover exactly in the middle and sew it with floss threads with beautiful even stitches. …

Step 6
Turn the cover over with the wrong side up, place the previously made rectangles of fabric on its sides, align the edges of the blanks with the cover itself and carefully sew with a hand stitch.

Step 7
Place the cover you made on the book.

Step 8
Cloth book cover is ready.