How To Make A Small Robot

How To Make A Small Robot
How To Make A Small Robot

Table of contents:


Making a robot with your own hands is the dream of almost every teenager, and sometimes an adult who is fond of radio engineering. If you dream of a small homemade miracle, then go for it!

How to make a small robot
How to make a small robot

It is necessary

old technique, Lego constructor


Step 1

Use ready-made parts to assemble the robot. You can fold a homemade robot from the Lego constructor. True, it is expensive, but very easy.

Step 2

Take old technology as a basis for your little robot. An old computer or laptop can be used as a think tank for the robot. With this method, through the already existing ports of the computer, we can use any programming language to control the robot and all kinds of devices that can be adapted to it.

Step 3

Build a robot with a microcircuit, a motor driver and a few photocells. Such a robot will either move towards the light, or, conversely, away from it.

Step 4

Add a few LEDs to the circuit and it will move in the direction of your hand or clearly along a light or dark strip. You can make it move forward when freshening is directed directly at it, and stop when the light is turned off or dimmed.

Step 5

Use phototransistors in the circuit - they are inexpensive and easy to use. When the sensors are positioned backwards, the robot will behave like a mole and hide from the light.

Step 6

Liven up the robot's behavior by connecting the sensors to the plus of the power supplies, then the robot will work in accordance with the light reflected by the LEDs. Excellent results are obtained with bright red or bright orange LEDs with a power of over 1000 mCd.

Step 7

To move the robot along the black line of the white field, it must be at least 30 mm wide. When both photosensors catch the light reflected from the white field, the robot will have to move forward along the line. If at least one of the sensors crosses the black line, the robot turns and aligns the position. When the sensors illuminate the white field, the robot will move forward again.
