Sesame is a herbaceous annual plant belonging to the sesame family. In the wild, it is found in tropical regions of Africa. To obtain seeds and oils used in cooking, sesame is grown in tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia and America.

It is necessary
- - sesame seeds;
- - ground limestone;
- - sand;
- - humus.
Step 1
Like all annuals, sesame seeds are propagated by seeds. This crop will require a well-lit area of loose, light soil with a reaction closer to neutral. It is better to prepare the land for sowing in the fall. Dig up the selected piece of land, adding humus when digging, which should be embedded in the soil to a depth of about 15 centimeters.
Step 2
If the soil in the place chosen for planting sesame is acidic, add ground limestone to the ground. The amount of substance that is required for liming the soil depends on its type. For sandy soil, you need 250 grams of limestone; per square meter of loam, you need to add 500 grams of ground chalk or limestone. In heavy soil, to improve its structure, it will be necessary to add sand in addition to limestone.
Step 3
Sesame is sown in spring when the danger of frost disappears. Before sowing, dig up the prepared plot of land again, water it and level the soil with a rake.
Step 4
At a distance of 45 centimeters from each other, make grooves in the soil and plant seeds in them to a depth of 2-3 centimeters. The air temperature for sesame germination should be at least 16 degrees. If the temperature drops to 1-2 degrees, the plants may die. At the slightest possibility of a cold snap, cover the crops with plastic wrap.
Step 5
After the sesame seeds germinate, thin out the seedlings so that there is a gap of 6-8 centimeters between the plants in the row. Remove weak plants when thinning.
Step 6
Water the plantings as the soil dries up, loosen the soil between the rows and remove weeds. For normal growth, this plant requires an air temperature of at least 25 degrees, under such conditions, 1, 5 months after sowing, the sesame will bloom.
Step 7
Sesame seeds ripen 3 months after sowing, in some varieties this period is even longer. Harvesting begins after the seed pods of the plant turn brown. If there is a threat of frost, cover the plants with foil. To do this, you will have to use plastic or wire arcs of large diameter, since without them it will not be easy to protect plants from one to 1.5 meters in height.