The stunning dynamics and uniqueness of each new round of Counter-Strike allow gamers to spend several hours every day playing CS. It is logical that a large number of gamers want to make the game as comfortable as possible for themselves by installing new skins, weapon models and their own music.

It is necessary
Audio converter program
Step 1
You can replace the music in the main menu. To do this, select the song you need and make sure that it is saved in MP3 format - you can do this by right-clicking on the icon and selecting "Properties". If the format does not match, you will have to download an audio converter (for example, Any Audio Converter) and convert the song to the desired format.
Step 2
Open the game directory and open the Cstrike folder and then Media, inside find the gamestartup.mp3 file. Copy the filename and name the song of your choice the same, then place it in this "replace" folder. Now, when you start, the song you installed will play. If you delete this file, there will be no background music in the menu.
Step 3
In the case when music is playing on any card, it can also be replaced. From standard locations, this can be done with cs_italy, the procedure is absolutely similar to changing the file for playing music in the main menu. This time the file is stored in the Ambient folder in the Sound directory and is called Opera. Unfortunately, in this case, the audio files are not sorted into folders, so if you need to find audio from another location, you will have to go through all the audio tracks in search of the one you want to replace.
Step 4
If you have your own server, you can change the melody that plays when new players connect. The MP3 file must be placed in the Sound -> Admin_plugin -> Action folder, then open the actionsoundlist.txt document and add the joinserver admin_plugin / actions / song title.mp3 line. If there is already a string with the joinserver parameter, then it must be replaced.
Step 5
If the sound will not play when connected, you need to open the file mani_server.cfg (find it by searching) using notepad, find the line mani_sounds_auto_download there and change the value "0" to "1".