Alexander Buinov is a famous Soviet and Russian stage artist, who even now gathers full stadiums for his concerts. But his success, the singer is sure, largely depends on the "weather in the house." It is created by grandchildren, daughter and wife, a loyal friend and helper for many years.

The name of Alexander Buinov, the ex-vocalist of the group "Veselye obyata", whose records were bought in huge quantities, after which songs about the aunt shedding tears sounded from all windows, is known not only to people of the Soviet era. The Russian audience is also not averse to rest and spend time with a good song by Alexander Buinov.

Alexander was born in Moscow, in Bolshoy Tishinsky Lane, in the family of a military pilot. Nikolai Alexandrovich, the father of the future artist, was often absent from home due to his duty, and his mother was engaged in raising children (and Alexander had three more brothers - Arkady, Andrey and Vladimir). Ksenia Mikhailovna was a certified musician and from childhood she instilled in children a love of music. And it is no coincidence that from a young age Alexander was drawn to art. In the early 60s, he entered a music school, which he attended with his brothers. He studied in the "music school" for seven years. And in the ninth grade, Alexander, together with two classmates, created his own group "Anti-Anarchists". And after meeting the young composer Alexander Gradsky, then playing in the ensemble "Skomorokhi", he became a member of this group. It was the "Skomorokhs" who made the seventeen-year-old musician understand his vocation. By the way, it was Gradsky who initiated the departure of Buinov to the "Merry Boys", where the musicians planned to earn the necessary amount for the equipment they needed. Three months later, as planned, Gradsky left the "Merry Children", and Buinov remained in the group, continuing his musical career and delighting his fans with new and favorite tunes.
Favorite Alena
With his third and currently the last wife Alena, Alexander Buinov has been living for thirty years - a rare phenomenon for an artistic family. And he admits that he is very happy in marriage. Alexander met Alena (at that time still Gutman) for more than thirty years. It was a fateful meeting, after which Alexander and Alena realized that they needed each other. For Alena's sake, the artist left his second wife and daughter Julia. And now he is happily married. The artist sometimes jokes that he is even afraid of his wife. But Buinov's colleagues note the benevolent, calm and balanced character of his wife.

For the sake of her beloved husband, Alena left her profession (previously she was a cosmetologist, dermatologist) and is now its producer. So the husband and wife spend most of their time together, even outside the home. And it is also very convenient for jealous Alena to follow her popular husband and, accordingly, not allow any romances on the side, even official ones. Alexander Buinov constantly admires his beloved wife, noting that he owes a lot to Alena for his successful musical career, who always understands him and supports him in all endeavors.

The artist's third wife has a great relationship with her husband's grandchildren - Sasha and the twins Daria and Sophia, who bear the surname of the famous grandfather (she and Buinov have no joint children), but they practically do not support relations with Alexander's daughter Yulia. Apparently, the girl still has a grudge against the woman, because of whom her father left the family.
Wives of Alexander Buinov
Alexander Buinov does not hide the fact that he has always enjoyed success with women. The hobbies that arise in his life, he never called intrigues, only love stories, and says that he still remembers all his ladies by sight.
The artist has three official wives. Alexander Buinov met Lyubov Vdovina, a native of the Altai Territory, while serving in the army. On dates to her, he often ran AWOL, for which he then sat “on the lip”. After the service, the couple formalized their relationship, but the marriage did not last long. Two years later, the young people divorced. Alexander fell in love with another girl and divorced his wife in absentia.

The artist's second marriage, as they say, was "over the air." Lyudmila - that was the name of the artist's new darling - became pregnant soon after the start of their relationship. As a decent man, Alexander proposed to the girl. But he soon regretted the noble deed. The marriage of Lyudmila and Alexandra was not saved even by the daughter Julia, who was born soon after the wedding. Alexander fell in love with his colleague, who was older than himself and at the time of their relationship was married. Later, the artist met his real wife Alena, who for thirty years has managed to remain his beloved and only one.
A holiday romance
It was a long time ago. Once on a tour in Sochi, the singer met a Hungarian girl who really liked Alexander. Youth, romance, hormones did their job - young people began a stormy, but short-term romance. The artist left to work further. The girl went home. They met fifteen years later. With her was a cute teenager who, as it turned out, turned out to be the singer's illegitimate son. The romantic night has borne fruit. Alexey, that is the name of the illegitimate son of Alexander Buinov, is similar to his biological father and the same musical (genes made themselves felt). But Alexander Buinov practically did not communicate with him. The young man has a different surname and patronymic, he was raised by another man, whom he considers to be a real father.
The beloved wife of the artist Alena, although for a long time could not forget about the "fruitful" romance of the unfaithful spouse, still forgave him. They still live in love and harmony.