How To Make Paper From Leaves

How To Make Paper From Leaves
How To Make Paper From Leaves

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Handmade paper is a wonderful and sophisticated material that is not only pleasant to work with, but you can simply admire it. By making paper with your own hands and to your liking, you can create unique designs for special projects. Paper made with leaves, flowers, seeds and blades of grass, as if inlaid in its noble loose structure, looks unusual. It is not difficult to cast such paper, as well as to find materials for its production. Although in this matter, excellence and skill come with experience.

How to make paper from leaves
How to make paper from leaves

It is necessary

  • - paper napkins;
  • - water;
  • - blender / whisk for whipping;
  • - deep bowl;
  • - small leaves;
  • - plastic panel with holes from children's mosaic;
  • - gauze;
  • - 2 towels;
  • - iron.


Step 1

Prepare the necessary materials. Pick up the leaves that you will use to make the paper, iron them flat and even.

Step 2

Tear paper towels into small pieces and place them in a blender. Pour in hot water so that the napkins are completely covered, and mix until the consistency of liquid sour cream. The amount of water can be varied - the more water, the thinner the paper will be. But overdoing it with water is also not worth it.

Step 3

You can do without a blender to make paper, especially if you only need a small amount. Just whisk the paper mixture long enough and thoroughly until smooth.

Step 4

To add color to the mass, you can add tea, coffee or another dye (for example, paint). When using ink, remember that the color of the paper will become noticeably fainter as it dries. You can also make paper from colored napkins of the desired shade, one or more.

Step 5

Pour the gruel into a bowl and add the starch and PVA glue. Place the children's mosaic panel in the basin and cover it with gauze. Pour the pulp in an even layer on the "perforated" panel, level it (for example, with a ruler), observing the thickness - the paper should not be too thick or too thin.

Step 6

Put plant leaves, dried flowers, seeds on a layer of paper pulp. Place another piece of gauze on top.

Step 7

Blot the gauze with a sponge so that the water from the mass is absorbed into it. Squeeze out the sponge and blot the gauze again. Continue this process until the sponge has absorbed all the moisture from the pulp.

Step 8

Carefully lift the paper with all layers of gauze and place it on the ironing board. Carefully, slowly, iron it all with an iron.

Step 9

Remove the gauze (or mesh) from the surface of your handcrafted paper. Place it between two towels on any flat surface under the press to dry. After 1-2 days, the paper can be used.
