How To Cut Silhouettes

How To Cut Silhouettes
How To Cut Silhouettes

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The art of cutting out silhouettes from paper under various names has existed for more than one century. Now papercutting, kirigami, jianzhi or vytynanka are popular again, which means it's time to buy tools and learn techniques.

How to cut silhouettes
How to cut silhouettes

It is necessary

  • - stationery / breadboard knife;
  • - mat;
  • - pencil;
  • - eraser;
  • - ruler;
  • - paper.


Step 1

Choose a knife that will become the main tool in your work. You can use a regular utility knife. It is suitable for cutting out of thin paper, and the part of the blade that is dull can be removed periodically. To do this, the blade is unscrewed to a diagonal notch, captured with pliers at the level of this line and broken off. A more advanced tool would be a breadboard knife, which allows you to cut out finer details. Finally, a special art knife will demonstrate the ideal results. Its handle is quite heavy and comfortable in shape. To create unusual lines, you can buy interchangeable curly blades, and a set of standard spare blades will not interfere, as they become dull rather quickly.

Step 2

To change the blades as rarely as possible, you need to purchase a mat - in online stores it can be found under the phrase "cutting mat". It is made of a material that does not leave scratches that can later get in the way of creating perfectly straight lines. In addition, on such a rug, the blades are less dull.

Step 3

The choice of paper, the combination of its colors and textures, depends on the intention of each particular artist. The main thing to pay attention to is the density of the paper. Too thin will tear, it is bad to keep its shape. In addition, the sheets should not be loose, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve clear lines. Pastel paper meets these requirements.

Step 4

The silhouette you want to cut must first be drawn on a draft with a pencil. You will have the opportunity to correct some details with an eraser, to think over all the places where they are connected. Also, a preliminary drawing can be done on a computer in a graphics editor.

Step 5

The sketch is transferred to the paper for cutting either from the front or from the wrong side. In the second case, the probability that the contours will remain in the picture after cutting is reduced to zero. However, it should be borne in mind that then the pattern will first have to be mirrored (it is more convenient to do this on a computer), and then transferred to the wrong side of the sheet. Paint over the parts of the drawing that will need to be cut out.

Step 6

You can work from small parts to large ones and vice versa - as it is more convenient for anyone. The main thing is to hold the knife correctly. It should be located strictly perpendicular to the sheet. Do not press too hard. It is better to attach a ruler to the line and "draw" it 2-3 times with light movements.

Step 7

The finished work can be glued to paper of a contrasting color (it is enough to squeeze out 4-5 drops of glue, and not cover the whole pattern with it) and insert into the frame.
