How To Mentally Deal With Your Own Negative Memories

How To Mentally Deal With Your Own Negative Memories
How To Mentally Deal With Your Own Negative Memories

Quite often, we ask the question of how to help ourselves get rid of difficult memories of the past. The bicycle was invented long ago and was successfully tested by fans of the works of Sergei Nikolaevich Lazarev, the author of the multivolume work Diagnostics of Karma.

Diagnostics of karma, Lazarev S. N., 1998
Diagnostics of karma, Lazarev S. N., 1998

Why does a person first do and then doubt what they have done? Because he is a man, not a robot. Faced with circumstances, we are forced to make serious decisions, taking into account the interests of the parties. More often we take into account our interests. Because that's how they are.

Never regret what has been done. If you are still pestered with regret, remove the claims to the world around you and to the people who participated in the deal. To remove claims means to live the event, replaying it in your memory, while from the very beginning living the situation as if anew, but without negative emotions. Remove existing deformations from your mental field, from memories: anger, anger, envy and others, everyone may have their own set of deformations, so it is better to focus on personal experience.

Send unconditional Love, light and warmth to the vacant place. Keep the state of an inner smile in your soul. The soul is cleansed of claims, which means that the level of aggression decreases, which creates a background for adverse manifestations later on at your material (physical) level. As a result of this work, memories should not hurt you, and living them again, you feel like an observer of events from the outside.

A quick positive result of such work is not always achieved, and it is important to repeat it day after day. Do not forget - if a thin field deteriorates and gets dirty over the years through bad actions and thoughts, then you have to clean yourself up stubbornly and sometimes for a very long time. Go through the same situation a hundred times to get the result you are striving for.

© Alva Azorskaya
