Superstitions and omens associated with birds originated in the distant past. Our ancestors sincerely believed that it was birds who were able to easily move from ordinary reality to the subtle world. And what do they know about the events that will happen in the future. According to the behavior of birds, the weather was predicted, they were looked at so as not to miss a sign from the Universe, informing about imminent good luck or impending disaster.

Among the various signs about birds, there are both positive and negative. Some of them have lost their relevance in our time. Even modern people continue to believe in other signs.
Positive signs about birds
If a flock of birds suddenly flies towards a person, then some favorable changes will soon happen in his life. If the birds abruptly change direction and begin to fly to the right, then this is to unexpected news and good luck.
Going on a trip or business trip, it is worth looking around. One of the signs about birds says that if you see a large bird soaring high in the sky before a long journey, then the path will be successful. It is likely that during the trip there will be no problems, and it will be possible to return home without delay. And if in the same period of time you hear a little bird chirping and singing, then this promises success and good luck.
Many people view pigeons living in cities negatively. However, positive signs are associated with these birds. For example, if a dove (or dove) suddenly flew into the house, then soon there will be a wedding. If, on the street, a gray bird unexpectedly touches a person with a wing or even crashes into him, then this is a good sign. You can start a new business, decide to bring changes to life, any projects will be successful, the main thing is not to hesitate.
If you can hear an owl hooting and screaming while walking somewhere in nature, do not worry. This folk omen about the bird is positive. And she reports that soon there will be an addition in the family. If you are lucky enough to hear the trill of a nightingale, then this is to luck, prosperity and profit.
If a bird knocks on the window frame, then you should expect good news, news or gifts from distant relatives, old acquaintances. In such a situation, it is not recommended to open a window or let a feathered guest into the house. Otherwise, a positive omen about the bird can be transformed into a negative one.
Seeing a magpie on a windowsill or balcony is a great omen. This bird symbolizes health. Therefore, if someone is sick in the house, soon the person will recover. In addition, the magpie brings good news, informs about the imminent arrival of pleasant guests.

Negative omens
Birds such as crows (or black crows) are commonly associated with bad omens. For example, it is believed that if this bird hovers over a person and croaks loudly, then difficulties, troubles and illnesses await in the future. If the black crow is circling near the dome of the church and screaming hysterically, the funeral will soon be.
You should also be wary if wild large - predatory - birds are circling overhead. This signals that someone is spreading rumors behind his back, intrigues. And if three seagulls are hovering over a person, then this is a sign that soon you will have to face the death of a friend or relative.
If swallows once lived near the house, but at one point for some reason they left their nests, then this does not bode well. Such a popular omen about birds says that there is a "black stripe" ahead, all sorts of losses, troubles, and also quarrels in the family are possible.
A well-known superstition with a negative meaning says: if a bird, especially a titmouse, suddenly flutters into the house, then this is not good. If the bird is rushing about, screaming anxiously, beating against the glass, then this portends imminent tears, the death of a family member or some terrible events, unpleasant news.
Sad events await in the near future a person whose car was hit or crashed by a bird. Difficulties in life, conflicts in the family and at work, financial losses await those who accidentally, while driving, hit or run over a bird. In addition, if a bird unexpectedly hits the windshield at the moment when a person sets off on a long trip, this is a sign that it is worthwhile to postpone and postpone the trip. Otherwise, serious problems are possible, both with health and with money or a car.