As with any alliance between different zodiac signs, the relationship between Aries and Pisces is usually uneasy. The characters of the representatives of these signs are very different, and they are used to treating a partner in very different ways. It is not for nothing that these signs refer to different elements: Pisces is the element of water, and Aries is a fire sign.

Aries and Pisces: how do people of these two zodiac signs differ?
Often, at the first acquaintance with Pisces, it seems that they are rather weak-willed creatures, soft-bodied and do not have their own opinion, in fact, they just almost always strive to please a loved one, in order to make him pleasant and not offend. Pisces are non-conflicting, do not blame others for their problems, however, many of them are rather passive.
Aries, on the other hand, have a different temperament. They are more stubborn, solve all issues straightforwardly, often resorting to open conflicts, while Pisces, never arguing, still get their way on the principle of "water wears away a stone."
Features of the union of Aries and Pisces
Whether the union of the representatives of these two signs of the zodiac will be successful depends largely on the gender of the partners. So, for example, many Pisces men are able to gently but firmly restrain the character of stubborn Aries women. Such a man knows how to love tenderly, but at the same time control the negative manifestations of the character of Aries. However, if a man born under the sign of Pisces does not possess such qualities, he risks completely falling under the influence of the Aries woman, and by the way, despite their complex nature, they do not like henpecked women. Based on these characteristics, astrologers warn about the possibility of a role reversal, which results in family crises.
A more definite relationship awaits the Pisces woman and the Aries man. A calm and meek Pisces woman is gentle, knows how to listen and give advice, she is ready to give in to her husband, readily compromises. Despite the fact that in her youth such a woman is in the center of male attention, entering marriage, she knows how to remain faithful.
The Aries man is decisive, active, he knows how to be the head of the family, to make money, however, his perseverance sometimes goes beyond what is permissible. Among the negative qualities of Aries is an almost childish egoism, which often has a detrimental effect on family life. Aries can break loose for no reason, make a huge scandal, and then a violent reconciliation. Perseverance and sometimes unreasonable rudeness are often bizarrely combined with amazing kindness and peacefulness. Many Pisces women, by virtue of their nature, are satisfied with such a variety in family life.
Such a union is also not always ideal. So, calm Pisces can get tired of the constant impulsiveness of a partner, and after a while they can become indifferent and even apathetic to family life.