Fortune telling on cards is customary in many countries of the world, among people with different religious beliefs, with different cultural traditions. The explanation for this phenomenon, perhaps, can only be the argument that the cards sometimes truthfully tell what the fortuneteller is most interested in.

To believe fortune-telling or not is a purely personal matter, however, it is impossible not to recognize the fact that fortune-telling is popular and often carries a certain meaning. Fortune-telling on many subjects, but from ancient times the most popular were fortune-telling on the cards.
From a game to mysticism
The homeland of playing cards, according to some historians, was East Asia, where they appeared in the twelfth century, from there they were brought to Europe by merchants. At first, cards were used for games and solitaire games. However, people quickly realized that they were also suitable for divination, fortune telling, and witchcraft.
It is the Tarot cards that are most associated with fortune-telling, and truthful fortune-telling.
Pebbles and sticks, which have been used in Europe since the Middle Ages (on pain of execution, by the way), quickly replaced wooden and then cardboard cards with the image of clubs, tambourines, etc. images. The Visconti family, whose head was fascinated by the occult, in the 15th century proposed the famous Tarot cards with a deck of 78 pieces.
Skeptics and mystics
Supporters of the occult and people who believe in magic claim that the cards "read" the energy, and the fortune-teller's hand is guided by Providence itself. The cards are laid down exactly as destined for, and they do not know how to lie. The only trouble is that not everyone can interpret what is intended and expressed in symbolic pictures or numbers.
Skeptics say that a fortune teller with cards is nothing more than a good psychologist who skillfully manipulates human consciousness, extracting the necessary information from the client and passing it off as a "sign". There is even a typification of people who go to fortune-tellers. So, young girls will most likely come to guess at love, and therefore it is important just to find out whether the young lady has a young man, or she is looking for. Mature women of a tired look are likely to suffer from an unhappy marriage, men - from a crisis in life and problems at work, elderly people wonder about their health. That's all mysticism. What the fortuneteller will tell, in fact, is not very important, because human psychosomatics will do its job by itself: a person receives a program, which he will carry out, following the words of the “seer”.
Myths about divination
There are many myths about fortune telling. The most famous of them, for example, that fortune-telling is the lot of old village grandmothers or hereditary clairvoyants, who must have a gift. But clairvoyance is a premonition of the future without the use of various tools, including a deck of cards. Cards can help clairvoyants, but a well-developed intuition lies at the foundation of this gift.
It is believed that fortune-telling on Christmastide week is especially true, and divination - for centuries. At the same time, according to popular belief, it is impossible to guess during church holidays, it is considered a sin.
However, the church rejects fortune-telling on any day as part of obscurantism.
There is also an opinion that fortune-telling will begin to come true only after the third full moon, therefore, fortune-telling about the groom usually goes to the new moon.