Fishing is a fascinating hobby for many men, and every angler knows that this hobby is not limited to the summer season. Winter fishing opens up new opportunities for fishermen, but in order to bring a good catch from winter fishing, it is necessary to acquire the appropriate equipment. If you are winter fishing, you cannot do without a handy winter box that you can make by hand. It also serves as a seat for the fisherman, storage for caught fish, bait and tackle.

Step 1
To make the drawer functional and roomy, choose convenient materials for its manufacture. Materials should be strong and lightweight. In order for your winter box to be transportable, make its base in the form of a galvanized sled.
Step 2
Assemble the frame from thin and light metal sheets, and then assemble the basic structure of the box. The structure consists of end and side walls and partitions. All partitions and walls are made of durable and light sheet materials and cover them with leatherette.
Step 3
Separately fabricate the two top drawer flaps that open up two different compartments. On the upper sashes, reinforce a layer of foam rubber so that it is comfortable to sit on the box, and over the foam rubber gasket, wrap the upper sashes with leatherette. Attach a handle to the front of the drawer so that it can be carried.
Step 4
Additionally, you can attach the handles to the sides of the drawer. On the side handles, you can attach belts and lines for carrying the ice ax and tackle. Store fishing bait, tackle and tackle accessories in the front of the crate. Use the second compartment of the box for the caught fish.
Step 5
Customize the dimensions of the box to your own height and weight - unlike a store bought, your box will be ergonomic, since you will make it according to your own individual parameters.