How To Play "Stay The Winter"

How To Play "Stay The Winter"
How To Play "Stay The Winter"

Table of contents:


In the work of each musical group there is a "special" song - deeply personal and incomprehensible even to the most devoted fans. However, despite the vague content, such compositions are distinguished by a particularly sensual performance, and therefore they almost always become hits. It is this kind of popularity that the composition "Staying for the Winter", performed by the Spleen group, has earned.

How to play
How to play


Step 1

This song is melodiously complex enough. Conventionally, each verse is divided into two parts, which should be played in the same way. The chords at the beginning of the song are as follows:

(F) Kilometers will turn over the years (C) into films (Dm), What are on the timeline (C), continents (A #) will applaud them (F).

Step 2

This melody is repeated one more time, after which it flows smoothly into the chorus. The phrase "Stay for the winter" is repeated first on the transition A # -F (melodically still part of the verse), then on A # -Dm and finally on A # -G. Instead of the fourth repetition on the transition A # - G, the line "The water is frozen - we will interrupt" is executed. The G chord is best played with a large barre on the third fret - this will muffle the strings, creating a characteristic pause for the song between verses.

Step 3

The song can be performed in any fight you like, the simplest version is the classic "six". In the acoustic version, Alexander Vasiliev plays it as follows: (fast) down-up-down (strongly) down. The result is a bipartite rhythm with a strong second beat.

Step 4

Many players have difficulties with the rhythm of the melody: the first chord of a line is played too long, the remaining two change too quickly. In fact, the line consists of 12 bars, of which 8 are given to F (4 original fights) and 4 to C and Dm (one fight for each).

Step 5

In the third verse, the melody changes - it becomes more calm and smooth. You can reflect this by changing the fight (Vasiliev himself in this place goes to the six) and starting to beat only on the lower strings, which will make the sound less massive. The chords are as follows:

(C) Oceans heading into the sand (G) caravans (Am)

Never read these lines (G) - even strange (F), I don't know what to say (C).

In a cut with a calm verse, the last chorus is played brightly and with a special pressure: the line “Stay for the winter” is repeated on F-C, F-Am, F-D.

Step 6

At the end of the song, an Am chord is played with the help of a barre, and “Do not sleep” is repeated three times. After that it is better to muffle the strings by cutting off the sound.
