There are several different ways to tune your guitar. One of the most accurate is the use of a tuner, but perhaps the most popular, especially among the amateur, is tuning the guitar to the frets.

Step 1
First, you need a reference that would produce a sound of a certain pitch. As it can be used a conventional tuning fork, the oscillation frequency of which is 440 Hz. This is the note "la" (A). The record of the note "la", for example, found on the Internet, can also serve as a reference.
Step 2
Now proceed directly to tuning the guitar. It is advisable to first release the tension on the first string. After that, hold it down at the 5th fret, extract the sound and compare with the sound produced by the standard. Stretch the string gradually until its sound and the reference sound sound in unison, that is, together. Try to identify this moment as accurately as possible by ear.
Step 3
Next, hold down the second string at the 5th fret as well. It should sound in unison with the newly tuned first string in the open (i.e. not clamped) position. Pull both strings together, gradually pulling or lowering the second string. When you achieve a continuous sound, proceed to setting up the third.
Step 4
The tuning of the third string is slightly different. Pinch it not on the 5th fret, but on the 4th fret. Lower or pull it down until it sounds in unison with the second open string. Having achieved the desired sound, start working with the fourth string.
Step 5
Tuning the fourth string is similar to tuning the second. That is, when clamped at the 5th fret, it should sound in unison with the previous open string (in this case, the third). The fifth and sixth strings are tuned in the same way.
Step 6
After tuning all strings, check again the sound of the first one relative to the standard. There is a high probability that the sounds will not sound in unison. There is nothing wrong with that, at the first tuning the tuning often "floats away", especially when new strings are installed on the guitar. Tune the strings using the above algorithm.