Is There A 13 Zodiac Sign?

Is There A 13 Zodiac Sign?
Is There A 13 Zodiac Sign?

Horoscopes and astrology have been stirring people's minds for a long time. Time passes, and the ancient zodiac circle, consisting of 12 signs, begins to undergo changes. Is there actually a mysterious 13 zodiac sign?

Is there a 13 zodiac sign?
Is there a 13 zodiac sign?

What do the signs of the zodiac mean?

Ancient people who lived in time immemorial paid great attention to the sky. In star clusters, they saw bizarre figures, animals and heroes. Ancient astronomers carved the sky into many constellation figures that have their own names. 12 such constellations were on the path of the Sun's movement across the sky - during the year it alternately lingered in the region of one of these constellations. These 12 star clusters are called the zodiac. Ancient astrologers believed that the signs of the zodiac determined human life and character. Depending on which sign the Sun was in at the moment of birth, his fate was predicted to a person.

Astrology considers not only the characteristics of the signs of the zodiac, but also their relationship, favorable for each sign of the planet, stones, colors and animals.

How did the 13 zodiac sign come about?

The first zodiac tables were compiled several millennia BC. However, it is known that over time, stars and planets move relative to each other. According to the latest observations, as a result of such a shift, the zodiacal circle was replenished with another constellation called Ophiuchus. It lies between the constellations Scorpio and Sagittarius and thus covers the period from November 30 to December 17. It follows from this that all other signs of the zodiac also move forward 27 days. That is, a person born under the sign of Sagittarius, according to new data, will be Ophiuchus, under the sign of Aquarius - Sagittarius, etc. Although not all astrologers still adhere to this point of view, every day it is gaining more and more admirers.

Ophiuchus is associated with the ancient god of healing Asclepius (Aesculapius), therefore people born under his sign also have the abilities of a healer.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign "Ophiuchus"

In astrology, this sign is considered mysterious and mystical. People born during the reign of Ophiuchus have supernatural powers and developed intuition. They love to communicate, make new acquaintances, travel and lead people. Ophiuchus are often innovators in their field, they embark on adventures headlong, without thinking about the consequences, but their brilliant intuition allows them to get out of the water. Ophiuchus often has few friends due to its fickle nature and emotionality, but astrologers do not advise being an enemy of this sign - Ophiuchus is terrible in anger and is able to bring misfortune to those who speak badly about him.

Many great people with a difficult fate were born under the constellation Ophiuchus - Nostradamus, B. Spinoza, A. Feth, C. de Gaulle, A. Suvorov.
