Sooner or later, any collector is faced with the need to rethink the way they store and organize their collection when the latter becomes too extensive. The same applies to faleristics - collecting badges. A large number of them need to be arranged and arranged so that the collection looks neat and clear. The ability to easily find the item you want to exchange, sell, or display is also appreciated by collectors. How can this be achieved?

It is necessary
- You will need:
- - sheets of thin foam rubber or whatman paper
- - ring binder (one or more)
- - transparent files (optional)
- - hole puncher
Step 1
The easiest way to store a small collection of badges is to pin them onto a sheet of thin foam rubber, carpet or Whatman paper hanging on the wall. You can also use a piece of canvas or fabric stretched over a frame. You can arrange the collection in an orderly manner, labeling the groups of icons on pieces of paper, or in a chaotic manner, depending on your preferences and collecting purposes.
Step 2
If the collection is large enough and has a complex structure, it is better to place it in an archive binder on the rings. To do this, you need to take sheets of thin foam rubber (in the absence of foam rubber, you can also use whatman paper or thick fabric) and cut into A4 format. Using a hole punch, punch holes in the sheets of foam rubber or other material you use, the position of which will correspond to the location of the rings in the folder.
Step 3
Arrange the icons on the sheets according to the structure of your collection. Leave space on the sheets for attaching signatures, if necessary. You can also transfer sheets with icons - sheets of plain paper, on which you can put all the necessary information about the sections of the collection.
Step 4
If you place the pinned icon sheets in transparent files, the hole punch can be skipped and the icons are better preserved. Negligence in keeping badges can cause disrespect from other collectors. You can also use a folder with files embedded in it, but then you will not be able to extract a separate sheet with the file, or add several new sheets to the folder as the collection grows.
Step 5
Depending on your preference, instead of a folder, you can also use a cardboard box that can hold the sheets of the desired format. Do not forget to rearrange the badge sheets - a thick piece of cloth designed to protect the badge surface from scratches.