There are many ways to tie your hands together. And each in its own way is good and individual. The one that will be given below is not even a way to tie hands, but rather, just an example of a good and strong knot that can be used for many purposes, including for tying hands.
This method of tying is based on a knot called a stirrup. Why is this node good? It can be easily tied with at least two hands, at least one. Depending on the location of the ropes, this knot can be either non-tightening or tightening, which will allow you to quickly adjust it in terms of tension and diameter. "Stirrup" is widely used in mountaineering and rock climbing to create support loops for securing the rope. This means that the node is verified and reliable. If the ropes run parallel to each other from the knot, then the loop will not stretch under load, and the ropes set apart will make it possible to adjust the loop size.

It is necessary
Step 1
To tie your hands at the beginning of the rope, you need to tie a knot in such a way that we have a single rope, not a double one. Here, neatness and the absence of overlaps in the double rope are important. We put the loop on the partner's hands connected by palms. We place rope loops on the wrists and inspect them for overlaps. We pull on the free ends of the ropes, thereby adjusting the loop tension.
Step 2
We fasten the knot by making a few simple knots around the long end of the rope with the free short end of the rope. And that's it, the node is ready. It remains only to check the correctness and accuracy of the work. The knot should look nice on the outside. If the harness is ugly, the knot is of poor quality. Indeed, in an ugly harness there are overlaps, turns and knots of different sizes, incorrectly tied. In addition, the partner should be comfortable and comfortable.
Step 3
The coils that cover the wrists should be made not too loose so that nothing dangles. If the little finger hardly climbs under them, then the tension is the very thing. But it is also not worth tightening them too much. The coils should press the hands against one another gently, but also tightly, without causing unpleasant, painful sensations.