The content contained in any game is finite. No matter how huge the explorable territories are, no matter how many additional quests are conceived - they will all end someday, leaving gamers nothing but replaying. The situation is saved by "mods" - all sorts of improvements and additions designed to expand the player's capabilities.

Step 1
Download the official DLCs. These are modifications created by the developers of the game and distributed at a separate cost. After purchasing it in the online store, you can download the installer, which will determine the installation directory of the game and unpack the contents of the archive there. You do not need to activate the DLC, and you just have to find the installed content in the game itself (for example, get to the required location and take a quest that was not there before). Similar add-ons can be found for games such as Mass Effect, Batman: Arkham City, and Assassin's Creed.
Step 2
Install the plugin. This is a small expansion developed by fans of the game - a quest, weapon, location, or an unintended opportunity. You have to download the archive with the files and unpack it into a specific folder (for each game - its own, check in the instructions for the mod). After unpacking, launch the game launcher (a window in windows where you can select preliminary launch parameters) and in the Plugins tab, check the box next to the installed add-on. There is no limit to the number of plugins, but make sure they don't conflict with each other. This type of mod installation is relevant for games like The Elder Scrolls and Fallout: New Vegas.
Step 3
Replace the original game files. Oftentimes, hobbyist mods find nothing better than installing mods on top of developer-generated content. You can replace the models of characters, weapons and textures to your liking by downloading the archive with them on any fan site. You have to unpack the archive into the game directory and replace the original files, so it will not be superfluous to make a backup copy. After starting the game, the mods will be visible immediately, no activation is required. This can be found in Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike, and Deus Ex.
Step 4
Change the game drastically. Often you come across major additions that change many aspects of the game - up to a radical change in concept. In the overwhelming majority of cases, such mods have an installer, and therefore are installed as regular DLC. Most often, such projects can be found on the Source engine (installed on Half-Life 2) and relatively old projects: KoToR 2, Doom 3 and others.