How To Make Zaitsev's Cubes Yourself

How To Make Zaitsev's Cubes Yourself
How To Make Zaitsev's Cubes Yourself

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Not so long ago, the so-called Zaitsev cubes went on sale, allowing a child to learn to read. The advantage of these cubes is that not individual letters are written on their faces, but whole syllables. Practice shows that it is more convenient and easier for children to learn to read exactly by syllables, and not by letters. The disadvantage of cubes is their high price; not every family is able to spend such an amount. However, it is possible to make Zaitsev's cubes yourself, and not even in one way.

How to make Zaytsev's cubes yourself
How to make Zaytsev's cubes yourself

It is necessary

  • 1) printer or plotter, cardboard, scissors, glue
  • 2) tetrapacks from milk, kefir and other sour-milk products (with a square bottom), white and colored paper, glue, scissors, paint for drawing, brushes, wide tape


Step 1

The first method is pragmatic. Download ready-made cube sweeps from the Internet. Print the reamers on a color printer or plotter on thick cardboard. Cut out sweeps along the contours, adding an inch on each side for gluing. Glue the cubes together.

Step 2

The second method is creative. Make cubes from tetrapacks by cutting them and gluing their edges together. Gently glue the finished cubes with white and colored paper, alternating different colors. Draw ready-made syllables on separate sheets of colored paper, cut them out and stick them on the edges of the cubes. If desired, syllables can be painted with paint. To increase the life of the finished cubes, glue all the edges with wide tape.

Step 3

If you involve your child in the process of making cubes, then you can get a lot of benefits from this: the development of creativity and fine motor skills in the baby. And whatever the adherents of buying ready-made Zaitsev cubes say, referring to the laboriousness and inexpediency of their home-made, all the same cubes made by the loving hands of the mother will bring the child much more benefit than the factory set.
