How To Grow A Beard

How To Grow A Beard
How To Grow A Beard

A beard is a sign of masculinity and brutality, so it is not surprising that many young people, having reached the age of 14-18, want to have facial hair. It is possible to grow a beard at this age, but this requires a little work.

How to grow a beard
How to grow a beard

How to grow a beard at 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 if it doesn't grow

If you decide to grow a beard, then take growing seriously. If you are between 14 and 18 years old, then summer vacation is the most favorable period for procedures for growing a beard. The fact is that most of the tips that will be provided below take some time to apply, but that's not all - after almost every procedure, the chin area will change its color. Perhaps, if your friends or family find out about your intention to grow a beard, they will laugh or slander you, which may prompt you to abandon your path to your dream, so timing is the most important condition for positive results. From about 14 years old, thanks to the active production of testosterone, the first hair appears on the face. Everyone has a different growth rate, but you can slightly speed up this process if you adjust your diet, exercise every day, and also use special products for the growth of facial hair.

As for nutrition, increase your protein intake (lean meat, cottage cheese, eggs, etc.), as well as foods containing the following vitamins: B3, B6, B12, A, C, E, D, Biotin, Iron. Eat a balanced diet, exclude easily digestible carbohydrates from your diet.

Sport is one of the ingredients that help you grow a beard quickly. If you have not been involved in sports before, then start with game types, for example, football, volleyball or basketball. Go swimming, athletics, or weightlifting. The latter will not only help you grow a beard faster, but also make your figure more masculine and prominent.

The most affordable means for beard growth are burdock and castor oils. Purchase them from your local drugstore and rub one of the oils daily into the bristle growth area (alternate oils). For the best effect, use a massage brush. Thanks to the massage, the blood will rush to the chin and cheeks, deliver more nutrients, which will positively affect the growth of the beard.

How to grow a beard like Tony Stark, Timati

Currently, many young people want to grow not just a beard, but so that it would be like their idols, for example, Tony Stark or Timati. It is not difficult to make yourself the desired beard, for this it is enough to grow hair on your face, then go to any salon where they do a beard cut and ask one of the employees to design your beard in a special way. For clarity, take a photo with you. Naturally, you can arrange a beautiful beard yourself at home, but remember that, due to ignorance of all the nuances, you may end up with a completely different result.
