The Meaning Of Feathers In A Dream Catcher

The Meaning Of Feathers In A Dream Catcher
The Meaning Of Feathers In A Dream Catcher

A dream catcher is a thing that can be magical, or it can simply decorate the interior, be part of the decor. If there are no magical, shamanic expectations placed on the dream trap, the meaning of the feathers used to create the trap is not so important. However, in the event that a dream catcher is created or acquired for any specific magical purpose, it is very important to consider which feathers are used in the amulet.

The meaning of feathers in a dream catcher
The meaning of feathers in a dream catcher

The dream catcher has long ceased to be a kind of outlandish thing. It can be easily found on sale not only in magic shops, but also in shops with gifts and souvenirs. In addition, it is not so difficult to learn how to weave a dreamcatcher with your own hands, the technology for making an amulet is very simple. But we must be prepared for the fact that the trap may not work magically if, made by yourself or bought in a store, the thing is done incorrectly, not cleaned, not charged, not activated.

In the process of creating a dream catcher as a magical or shamanic artifact, it is important to consider everything: form, materials, meaning of materials. Feathers are one of the main attributes of a dream catcher, therefore special attention should be paid to them. Depending on the type of feather, the meanings and magical effects will change from the bird. If the dreamcatcher is just to become a part of the room decor, then artificial feathers and dyed feathers can be used for it. For a working tool, only natural feathers should be selected.

The meanings of the feathers of different birds used to create a dream catcher

Peacock. Peacock feathers, despite their brightness, are not recommended for creating a dream catcher. They symbolize death, loss, hypocrisy, lies and deceit, betrayal. Sleep under such a trap will come quickly, it will be strong, but the dreams themselves will receive a heavy emotional background and a gloomy color.

Gull. The feathers of this bird are used in dream catchers, which are aimed at protection, which acquire the function of a talisman. Seagull feathers symbolize purification, survival, struggle and victory. They also help to heal diseases.

Turkey / turkey. Feathers like these increase altruism. They symbolize the willingness to share spiritual and material benefits with the world and people.

Partridge. The feathers of this bird are female. They symbolize fertility and fertility, femininity, love, beauty. It is better to give and make a dreamcatcher amulet with partridge feathers to young girls who seek to find their love. Sleep under such a trap will be healing, charging external and internal beauty.

Teterev. Black grouse feathers are used in dream catchers to get rid of nightmares or just bad dreams, sleep paralysis, hallucinations, they help with insomnia. In addition, the feathers of the black grouse are endowed with a protective function; they can protect against sudden death in a dream.

Swan / goose. The feathers of these birds are especially suitable for the air and water signs of the zodiac. They include both masculine and feminine. But we must carefully weave these feathers into dream traps, since one of the variants of symbolism is loneliness.

Hawk. This bird is associated with male energy. Therefore, if a dream catcher for a man is weaving, then it is reasonable to use hawk feathers. These feathers personify the sun, dawn, rise, they charge with energy, strength, strengthen the will, make dreams vivid and emotional. The hawk is associated with the divine principle, therefore a dream catcher with hawk feathers is suitable for those who are engaged in spiritual or other practices.

Owl. Very often, owl feathers can be found on dream catchers. If the feathers of a snowy snowy owl are used, then this trap is more suitable for women than for men. Owl feathers represent wisdom, secret knowledge and death at the same time. In dreams under a dream catcher with owl feathers, a person can find various symbols and clues, dreams can become lucid.

Woodpecker. Woodpecker feathers for the amulet dreamcatcher are rarely used, but their symbolism is extremely positive. Woodpecker feathers help to reveal abilities, to reveal secret potential within yourself. They also attract wealth and good change in life.

Hen. Dreamcatcher with chicken feathers is full of feminine energy. The chicken symbolizes the hustle and bustle, motherhood, care and guardianship.

Raven. Raven feathers are the second most popular feather used to create a dream catcher. The raven is an ambiguous bird. On the one hand, crow feathers can reveal secrets and share knowledge. On the other hand, the raven is considered a guide to the afterlife. However, in this case, a dreamcatcher with raven feathers will be endowed with protective functions.

Duck. A dreamcatcher with duck feathers is recommended to make and give, buy for married or just couples in love. A trap in which duck and drake feathers are combined will especially positively affect a love affair.

Ostrich. The feathers of this bird symbolize justice. They are charged with creative energy, so a dreamcatcher with ostrich feathers is suitable for creative, creative, inspiration-seeking natures.

Cock. The rooster is a male bird, therefore it is better for men to have dream catchers with feathers of this bird. The rooster personifies victory, dawn, goal achievement, strength, nobility, resurrection. A dreamcatcher with rooster feathers will make dreams pleasant, positive, easy.

Pheasant. Pheasant feathers are also quite popular and are often used to create do-it-yourself dream catchers. Pheasant feathers are saturated with masculine strength and energy, they personify the masculine principle, yang. At the same time, they bring positive, rise in life, luck and success.

Eagle. A dreamcatcher with eagle feathers reveals inner potential, increases spirituality. The amulet can charge you with courage, determination, courage. Often, a dreamcatcher with eagle feathers brings prophetic dreams to its owner.
