Thanks to the Internet, millions of poker lovers can meet at the gaming tables without leaving their computer. It's very easy to start playing, just register at any poker room and understand the basics of the game. But in order to outplay rivals and make a profit, you need to know a lot and be able to.

Step 1
The most popular type of poker is No Limit Texas Hold'em. If you want to seriously play poker, then this is the option to choose. Start by learning the rules of the game, winning combinations and poker terminology, and there are articles on the topic on the poker resources.
Step 2
Be sure to download the starting hands chart - a table that shows the possible combinations of cards preflop and your actions in a given situation. Playing at random is unacceptable: in some situations you will win, but in the end you will be the loser. The starting hands chart will help you play only with cards that have a fairly high probability of winning.
Step 3
How to determine the probability of winning? That's what poker math is for. To be a successful player, you need to be able to calculate the probabilities very quickly based on the cards you have and the community cards on the table. The ratio of the probability of winning and the amount of the pot is of decisive importance. For example, on the flop the pot is $ 100, your move and you need to bet $ 20. Does it make sense to wait for the turn card or should you fold?
Step 4
The answer depends on the strength of your hand and your chances of improving it on the turn. For example, if you have an open-ended flush draw on spades, any of the remaining 9 spades gives you a flush. This means that your chances of hitting a flush on the turn are approximately 19%. To correlate this value with the bank, divide the bet you have to place by the amount of the pot and the same bet. That is: 20/20 + 100, or 1/6, which is about 16%. Your chances of making a flash (19%) are greater than the calculated 16%. This means you can continue playing. If the odds were less than 16%, you would fold.
Step 5
To learn how to calculate odds quickly, study the book "Easy Poker Math: Secrets of No-Limit Hold'em" by Roy Rounder. This book can be found online. Taking into account the probabilities, you can significantly improve the quality of the game and increase your winnings.
Step 6
The second important component of success in playing poker is the ability to assess the skill and style of play of opponents. To practice, register in any poker room, then open a table with the limit you need (for a start it is usually 0, 01/0, 02) and, without entering the game, observe the actions of the players. Evaluate who is playing tight - that is, playing only hands with a high probability of winning. And whoever flops with almost any hand is a loose player.
Step 7
The style of play can be aggressive when the player raises (raises) frequently. Others, on the other hand, play very carefully and only call when it would be worth raising. By figuring out how the opponents are playing, you can use this in the game. For example, a very tight player suddenly raises. This means that he almost certainly has a monster hand - that is, a very strong combination. Even if you have a good hand, you are better off playing fold (fold) in this situation. Conversely, a raise from a loose player can be called even with a weak hand.
Step 8
Do not rush to start playing for money, first play for fun - that is, for conditional game points, this will allow you to get comfortable with the gambling table. Then try to get a no deposit bonus by answering a series of questions in a special quiz. The bonus can be approximately $ 50, divided into five tranches of $ 10 per week. This money will be enough for you to get comfortable with the game and understand whether you should keep playing poker or if it's better to stop.