You can learn to sing from notes if you have an ear for music. If you decide to master this art, develop your skill gradually. You will see for yourself that constant training will pay off.

It is necessary
musical instrument, solfeggio textbook
Step 1
Sing along to your favorite performers. Do this as often as possible, use every opportunity. Try to listen to yourself and be in tune with the singer or singer. Singing in karaoke is not suitable for this exercise, because such songs contain only musical accompaniment.
Step 2
Practice singing using a musical instrument. At first, just sing one scale, accompanying yourself. When you notice that you are much better at singing "do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, do" and vice versa, you are not out of tune, but fall into the same semitones as the instrument, diversify and complicate the exercise … For example, practice different musical intervals. Find them with your voice without a tool prompt. If at first you find it difficult to determine if you hit the notes or not, record your workout on a recorder. By listening, you will know if you are on the right track.
Step 3
Play a musical phrase and then sing it. If not everything worked out, make work on the mistakes. Analyze which places are difficult for you and why. It may be difficult for you to grasp a certain interval. To make things easier for yourself, find him in a song you know well. Further, when it is difficult for you to navigate, you remember it and unmistakably hit the right note.
Step 4
Develop your inner ear. To do this, take an entry-level solfeggio textbook and sing by naming notes. This is how you train your memory, memorize the intervals between notes. At first, sing simple chains in which the notes follow one another. Next, go to a more difficult level when the notes go through the tone. In the future, you will sight-sing short musical phrases.
Step 5
Work on your musical literacy. Learn notes, frets and basic chords. Without this basic knowledge, your training will drag on.