There are many different styles of dresses. In order to sew any outfit, you need a pattern. The base pattern should be built according to individual measurements. You cannot sew a simple dress and outfit for pregnant women using one pattern. If you choose the style of a dress with a sleeve, you will also need a sleeve pattern.

If you have already chosen the style of the dress that you plan to sew, proceed with taking measurements. Usually you need to measure: the length of the shoulder, semicircle of the neck, chest, hips and waist, the length of the back to the waist and the length of the product itself.
When building a pattern, it is very important not to forget to leave allowances for the seams, otherwise the product will be damaged. Before you start sewing a complex dress, you should experiment with a simpler option and sew a regular sleeveless dress with an elastic band.
The dress pattern is an ordinary rectangle or trapezoid. Elastic bands will be needed to shape.
Cut the prepared parts out of fabric. You can use, for example, a lightweight cotton fabric. By the way, this dress's front and back patterns will be completely identical. Fold the cut out parts facing each other and sew the side seams on the sewing machine. Finish the edges of the dress and sew in elastic bands. To do this, mark the location of the elastic bands on the product in advance. It's not hard to do. Just stand in front of a mirror and determine where your waist will be.
After you have cut the pieces of elastic to the correct length, make sure they are not too tight. Then join the elastic into a ring and attach with stitches to the dress. Sew it gently. You can also decorate a simple outfit with a cute frill.
A little black dress should be in every woman's wardrobe. But you can sew it yourself. To do this, you will need to cut out the following fabric parts: front, back (2 pieces), sleeve (2 pieces), front neck facing and back neck facing (2 pieces). From the cushioning adhesive, make parts for gluing the bottom of the sleeves, trimming the neck of the back and front. Do not forget about additional allowances.
Fold the main parts facing each other, and lay "snares" on the front, back and sleeves along: the ends of the darts, along the armholes, along the bottom line, at the end of the fastener, along the chalk lines of the chest, shoulder, elbow and tackle darts. You will also need to lay "snares" along the edge of the sleeve.
Work the tackle patterns at the waist and front of the dress. Join, sweep and stitch the middle cut at the top of the front. After that, sweep and grind down the chest darts on the front. Remove the basting threads and iron the seam allowance. Process the middle section of the back in the same way.
Finish the zip fastener. Connect the side cuts and shoulder seams together, grind them. Trim the sleeves and neckline of the dress. Then connect the sleeves with the armholes. Hem the bottom of the dress.
It is not necessary to make the dress black. The dark green version will look very interesting. Well, jersey fabric is perfect as a material.
Ultimately, you should have a dress with set-in, long, straight sleeves. The tucked darts create an elegant, fitted silhouette. Well, most of all attention is drawn to the bust darts, which come from the middle seam in the upper part of the front. The shallow round neckline gives the dress a special showiness and grace.