To crochet a small doll, no laborious operations are required. The initial crochet skills are enough. There are many master classes on the basis of which you can create good and bright toys. The great thing is that even when using instructions for work, bought from the master or found among laid out for public access, your product still turns out to be one of a kind.

If you already know how to crochet air loops, double crochet and single crochet, the knitting process will not be difficult. To decorate the finished product, you can stock up on beads and tiny buttons, ribbons, knit a few additional pieces of clothing for the doll.
To give the products bulk, stock up on filler - holofiber, pieces of foam rubber, synthetic winterizer will do. Craftswomen with experience also make frame products, which will require wire, artificial joints.
To knit a small doll, you can start with the head. A sliding ring is performed, then a round head is formed by gradually increasing and decreasing loops. At first it will look like a round pouch ending in a hole for the neck at the bottom. A transition is made from the neck to the body, and after that it is worth changing the yarn and knitting the torso. Outwardly, it will look like the top of the dress. Tie the body to the length you need, then stuff the product and knit along the outer edge to close it tightly.
Slightly higher than the edge of the resulting bag, we cut into the knitted body with connecting posts and knit the first row of the skirt in a circle. You can choose a different color of yarn or continue knitting in the same way. Tie the skirt to the desired length. Perhaps you do not want to knit the legs for the doll - then choose the appropriate length for the hem so that the product does not look unfinished. Decorate the hem with knitted "lace", the same can be done in the place where the collar of the dress should begin. Use connecting posts for connection.
Tie hands for the doll. For hair, you can purchase a special wig in stores for needlewomen, or make them also from yarn. Eyes, nose, mouth are usually embroidered, but some dolls are left by the craftswomen without additional details.