Bright floss baubles are a stylish and unusual accessory that demonstrates the skill of their wearer. In addition, unlike store-bought jewelry, you can choose the color combination that will highlight your personality. It is quite easy to make a bauble, the main thing is to be patient and do everything carefully.

It is necessary
- 1) Threads of floss of different colors, at least 100-120 cm long;
- 2) Scissors;
- 3) Needle;
- 4) Safety pin.
Step 1
Take a floss of three colors, two strands of the desired length. Fold them together and tie a knot at the tip. Then pierce the knot with a safety pin and secure it on a work surface convenient for you: a dense pillow, a sofa cushion, you can even put on jeans on your knee. Next, braid a pigtail a few centimeters long. This is the foundation for your bauble.
Step 2
Now we start to weave. For convenience, let's name the conditional thread colors from left to right: red, blue, black. So, take the leftmost red thread and carefully tie the second red thread with it so that you get a knot. Due to the knot, the strings will change places. Then make a second knot on the same thread. Next, continue to tie similar knots with red threads on each next one from left to right. When you get to the right edge, both red threads will be there. Then we repeat the same manipulations with the blue threads that were on the left, then with the black ones. By this time, the pattern is already emerging, and the principle of weaving has become absolutely clear. We continue to weave further, observing the order: red, blue, black. Be careful not to confuse the threads, otherwise your bauble will be uneven, and a thread that has slipped through its row will be noticeable from the side. This error cannot be eliminated. However, if you accidentally tighten the knot too much, you can stretch it back with a needle.
Step 3
When you are finished, finish your bauble the way you started: a couple of centimeters of braids and a knot.
Step 4
A very important point is how exactly the finished bauble will be attached to the hand. The easiest way is to simply tie the ends of the braids in a knot. But in this case, the bauble will either subside, or it will not be possible to remove it - just cut it off, because after a couple of days of socks the knot will tighten tightly and it will be impossible to dissolve it. There is an option to make a loop at one end of the baubles (preferably at the final one), and tie a bead on the other, which will play the role of a button. Unfortunately, such a fastening is unreliable and the bauble can accidentally unfasten. The best option is to buy a clasp. In any craft store, locks of different colors and designs are sold - screwed, snap-on, in the form of small carabiners.