Once upon a time, the Indians of North America gave elegant braided Fenichki bracelets to the chosen ones as a sign of friendship, the secrets of which were carefully passed on to other generations. In the 60s of the XX century, jewelry became an attribute of adherents of the hippie philosophy and have survived to this day. They have lost their original meaning, but have gained wide popularity among needlewomen, becoming a fashionable accessory. That is why a floss bauble is a great gift for family and friends.

It is necessary
- - Big pin,
- - needles,
- - scissors,
- - multi-colored floss threads,
- - stationery clip,
- - the tablet,
- - crochet hook No. 1,
- - accessories for decoration.
Step 1
Choose from the bunches of floss the strings that you plan to use in the pattern. It is desirable that their thickness is about 1 mm, and the length is 4 times longer than the finished product. Fix them using a homemade device using one of the following options:
- a stationery clip with threads tied to it is attached to a thick book, - a pin with reinforced threads is pinned to the jeans,
- the knot of the floss is glued with tape to the table, - the ends of the yarn are attached to a special plate with a clip.
The knot that connects the yarn should be approximately 9 cm from the end of the thread.

Step 2
Weaving baubles involves connecting threads through key knots. Having studied in detail their knitting on the scheme, it is advisable to work out the knowledge gained in practice. Having mastered the skill of weaving, directly proceed to reading patterns of patterns. By delving into the drawing in detail, you can understand the technique of the decoration.

Step 3
Give preference to the method of making baubles. If the craftswoman is inexperienced, it is better to opt for oblique weaving, which is considered easier. Prepare 12 strands - 2 of each selected color. Arrange the floss so that there is a pair of the same color in the middle, which will become the middle of the ornament. From the center, place other strands that will create symmetry around the edges and mirror each other's colors.

Step 4
Start weaving the base of the bracelet, starting to the left of the edge. Take thread # 1 on the far left and weave it with thread # 2 to form the number “4”. Thread the end of the first thread into the resulting hole. The result of the work done should be a knot. Repeat this operation identically with the same ropes. Then start repeating the same actions in a mirror image with threads # 12 and # 11 from the right edge of the bauble.

Step 5
Further work will be carried out with subsequent threads also 2 times. As a result, the outer colors will be inside the product, and the inner ones will be outside. This process ends with two knots on the extreme threads, from which weaving began. These steps must be repeated until the bracelet becomes the desired size.

Step 6
At the same time, control the order in which the threads are laid in the pattern. They must be in the exact sequence. If initially weaving the pattern correctly, the ornament should be shaped like a herringbone. If the knots in some area do not fold into a neat pattern, it is better to unravel it using a pin, needle or thin crochet hook. After completing the work with the pattern, tie the remaining threads into a knot, and until the end of the baubles, braid a regular pigtail, which will serve as a bracelet tie.

Step 7
After the needlewoman acquires the skills of weaving baubles in a simple way, you can proceed to direct weaving. This method is distinguished by the complexity of the schemes and the variety of patterns. Here you can fully apply your imagination, preferences and artistic taste. In the ornaments, images of letters, hearts, rhombuses, various symbols and even portraits are generously used.

Step 8
In straight weaving, you need to choose threads for the main background and pattern in accordance with the finished pattern. Over time, the craftswoman will learn to change the color of the threads at her own discretion, taking into account the harmonious combinations of floss threads. It should be noted that the threads from which the ornament will be formed should be much longer than the threads of the background. It is necessary to start weaving in the same way as in oblique weaving, with the extreme left thread, which becomes the leading one. She should braid all the threads to her right and in the same way come back, performing zigzags.
Step 9
The pattern is formed in such a way that the leading thread is braided with a thread of the ornament, and then goes back, leaving the leading thread alone. If the needlewoman is experiencing difficulties at this stage, it is best to use the video with a weaving master class or watch with your own eyes how another craftswoman does it. But, having mastered this intricate technique, she can then easily embody her own ideas, inventing unique patterns for weaving baubles.
Step 10
Often, in the course of performing creative work, a thread unexpectedly ends or comes off. In this case, you need to bring its end with a crochet hook to the wrong side of the product, leaving enough length to attach a thread of the same color to it. To do this, attach another thread, tie it in two knots with an adjacent thread, and then tie it with an identical thread. With the correct assembly of the threads, the place of their connection becomes invisible, and you can continue knitting.
Step 11
When weaving baubles, it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances. For example, if the pattern of the pattern is symmetrical, then the bauble is woven in a full cycle. When one half of the bauble does not repeat the second at all, the knitting cycle is incomplete. Oblique weaving is an example of a complete cycle, while straight weaving can be different. In any case, you will have to keep an eye on the end of a certain section of the pattern, which will need to be repeated, returning to the beginning. You can also highlight patterns of weaving with a paired number of threads and an unpaired one. Paired quantity: 5 red threads and 5 yellow threads. Unpaired: 3 blue threads and 4 pink or 2 white, 3 black, 5 green.