Most often, dreams about an apartment are closely related to the sleeper's daytime thoughts about family, family values and traditions. Some disagreements in the house, problems with everyday life, the way of life of the dreamer and his environment are reflected in a dream.

Why does a person dream of an apartment
A dream about an apartment in any variation foreshadows changes in such an important area of life as a family. The nature of these changes can be recognized by remembering all the nuances of sleep.
If you want to know the interpretation of a dream about an apartment, it is very important for you to recall the feelings experienced at the same time. A large, bright apartment, which the dreamer was happy to see, also predicts good events in reality. If after a dream about a dark, gloomy apartment there is a feeling of discomfort, trouble is not far off.
Some dream books associate this dream with changes in personal relationships due to the partner's infidelity.
Interpretation of a dream about an apartment in various dream books
Miller's well-known dream book explains such dreams as follows. The inability to find a way out of the apartment in a dream means that the planned trip will be very unsuccessful.
A dream is considered good, in which you can see your apartment as unusual, with a new or strange setting. It is worth waiting for changes for the better.
If for some reason in a dream you have an irresistible desire to rent an apartment, this is a signal from the subconscious mind about a problem that is difficult to solve on your own. On the contrary, the desire to rent an apartment marks a new occupation in life. You can learn about this from Tsvetkov's dream book.
In it, you can also read that a dream about a rent foreshadows separation from a partner or friend.
According to the modern dream book, if you dream of someone else's apartment, it means the approach of great changes in some area of life, perhaps even this prophetic dream promises you a move.
To dream of a new apartment for a girl foreshadows marriage, for women and men - tying up a love affair, the appearance of a new partner. An unsolvable problem will soon appear for someone who, in a dream, rents out his apartment.
In Olga Smurova's dream book, buying a new apartment in a dream will lead to the creation of a new family in reality. But if at the same time you dream of stormy congratulations on the purchase, then some scandalous information from your personal life will emerge.
The apartment I saw on the ground floor is a sign of a new important stage in life. On the latter, this is the end of some business, period or love relationship. And if in the basement, then the person is hiding, hiding his feelings from others.
Happy will be the one who sees an apartment without a ceiling and a particularly bright cloudless blue sky overhead. The most daring and seemingly unattainable dreams will come true.