Music notation according to the Guido d'Arezzo system is the most popular way of graphic design of musical text today. This system is based on the arrangement of notes on a five-line staff or staff.

Step 1
To start recording with notes, first write the clef at the beginning of the staff. Its varieties: violin (G clef), bass (fa clef), C clef (soprano, mezzo-soprano, alto, tenor, bass). From the latter system, the alto (for recording the viola part) and tenor (for the cello in some cases) are now popular. The clef serves as a reference point, indicating on which ruler the pivot note of a particular octave will be located (its name is called the clef).
The note "C" of the first octave in the treble clef will be located on the first additional (bottom) ruler, in the alto - on the middle (third ruler), in the tenor - on the top ruler, in the bass - on the first additional line from the top. The key is selected according to the ease of recording for a high or low range instrument.
Step 2
After the key there are signs of alteration: sharp, flat. The order of their writing is determined by the quarto-fifth circle.
Step 3
This is followed by the size of the product in the form of a simple fraction: the numerator is the number of shares, the denominator is their duration. In each measure of the piece (up to the corresponding marks), there will be as many durations as indicated in the beat.
Step 4
Then there are the notes themselves. They are located at different heights depending on the melody. Their other characteristic is duration, that is, length in time. The shortest durations used are sixty-fourths. Further ascending: thirty-second, sixteenth, eighth, quarters, halves, whole. If we take the count "once" per unit of time, then 1/64 notes will have sixteen, 1/32 - eight, 1/16 - four, 1/8 - two, 1/4 - one. Half account for two accounts, for a whole - four.

Step 5
As soon as the total sum of the durations coincides with the time signature, a vertical bar is placed. The next measure is filled with notes in the same way and is separated from the third.