Many people want to be a humorist. True, the meaning of this word can be interpreted in different ways. Someone dreams of performing on stage with funny monologues, someone is ready to try himself in creating humorous stories, and someone just needs to be a cheerful and sociable person in everyday life.

Regardless of whether a person wants to achieve popularity in the stage or literary field, or just be reputed to be cheerful and pleasant in communication among his environment, first you just need to learn how to communicate with people. You should be in the company more often, learn to maintain any conversation and accept people as they are.
Acquisition of the first skills of a humorist
However, you shouldn't try to joke right away. To begin with, you need to learn how to tell jokes in a witty and exciting way. Rough and tasteless humor can only alienate people. In addition, you always need to be able to choose the right place and time for jokes. If someone else is in the spotlight, you shouldn't try to divert attention to yourself.
You don't have to come up with jokes right away. For a start, you can read humorous literature, listen to the performances of famous comedians, pick up jokes that are suitable for yourself and your environment. Then it is worth learning and testing on friends those of them that seemed the most successful.
A good option for teaching humor is reading and retelling anecdotes. Reading many short funny stories, it is easy to learn the principles of their construction, which can later be used to create your own jokes. In addition, by telling jokes, you can learn the art of presenting a humorous work.
Do not forget that jokes, first of all, must be appropriate. They should in no way be offensive to people. You also do not need to annoy others and try to be the center of attention at any cost. Jokes should be kind and funny, then they will attract people like a magnet.
Composing your own jokes
Over time, the ability to compose your own jokes will come. It should be remembered, however, that they should not be too difficult to understand. Otherwise, their author will seem strange to others. Writing jokes should be fun and addicting. Only in this case will it turn into an easy, quick and very interesting activity. Watching the performances of famous humorists, you can gradually adopt their ways of creating and presenting jokes, and then, based on them, come up with your own.
The acquired humorous skills can be used in a variety of areas. You can gain popularity among friends and colleagues, impress the girl you like, or you can become a member of the KVN team or try to start writing humorous stories.