Fyokla Tolstaya is a public figure, but she prefers to hide details about her private life. The TV presenter considers questions about her husband, plans for children and other intimate details inappropriate and either ignores them or answers very vaguely.

Fyokla Tolstoy's husband: a real person or a phantom
The popular TV presenter does not get bored alone, appearing at events with friends. However, the public knows almost nothing about a closer relationship. According to information in the media (indirectly confirmed by Fekla herself), she had a long relationship with a person close to her in spirit, but absolutely non-public. The ubiquitous press managed to find out that the mysterious gentleman's name is Vasily, he is married and has children. Contrary to popular scenarios, the man was not going to dissolve the marriage, the relationship with Fekla ended calmly, without scandals and revelations.

Naturally, there was no talk of officially formalized relations and even a civil marriage. However, Fyokla herself would hardly agree to a confused adultery. Friends know her as a frank and straightforward person who does not tolerate lies and ambiguity. Perhaps, at the first communication, she simply did not know about the confused personal life of her chosen one.
Interestingly, some media outlets mentioned Anatoly Chubais, calling him Fyokla Tolstoy's husband. Naturally, this is not so - the famous politician is married to Avdotya Smirnova, a journalist, one of the co-hosts of the School of Scandal. Tolstaya was present next to Avdotya, but a completely different one - Tatyana Ilyinichna. For people familiar with the confusion among Tolstoy, such coincidences only amuse.
Another find of journalists is the daughter Vera, allegedly born to Thekla in 2014. It is possible that the TV presenter was again confused with some media personality. The very culprit of the rumors does not comment on them in any way, but also tries to refute them. As a journalist, she understands that such speculation is inevitable if a person does not live as openly as possible. However, the TV presenter does not accept such a lifestyle, she has enough publicity on the air and on the screen, and her personal life should remain hidden from prying eyes.
How Fyokla Tolstaya lives
The TV presenter herself admits that she simply does not have time for her personal life. Various projects take a lot of energy and effort. She hosts several programs, often appears on the Kultura channel, and organizes events for the Tolstoy Foundation. She initiated public readings of War and Peace, produced the documentary series The Great Dynasties, one of the series of which was dedicated to the Tolstoy family.

Thekla treats his belonging to the loud aristocratic surname with humor. There are a lot of descendants of Lev Nikolaevich, among them there are very famous personalities. The TV presenter herself does not consider herself an outstanding character and takes the title of "Countess" with humor. By the way, the real name of the scion of the Tolstoy family is Anna. However, as a creative pseudonym, she preferred the nickname that she received from her father in childhood. For all, Tolstaya remains Fekla, this primordially Russian and slightly funny name fully corresponds to the ambiguous and original character of the carrier.
Today, Tolstaya periodically appears on the channel "Culture", she is invited to the radio studios "Mayak", "Silver Rain", "Echo of Moscow". The TV presenter does not like populist programs, preferring serious, even philosophical topics. At the same time, she took part in entertainment projects several times: she skated on the Star Ice TV show, attended the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire project as a guest of honor.

Fekla devotes free time to author blogs, communication with friends, family meetings. The TV presenter is not friends with instagram, she does not exhibit photos from various events. However, ubiquitous journalists do it for her, like other media persona, Tolstaya never suffered from press neglect.
Looking forward to the future
The Tolstoy family is calm about the absence of a husband in her life. Relatives are sure that when a truly suitable person is nearby, Fyokla herself will understand this. Perhaps she is simply not ready for full dedication and creating her own family nest. Family and friends are sympathetic to this approach, but they hope that sooner or later the fateful meeting will still take place.
Fyokla herself does not like questions about her personal life, although she does not hide that she would like to start a family and, possibly, give birth to a baby. But the choice of a father for the successor of the famous family must be taken seriously. Such jokes spark a new wave of rumors that can neither be confirmed nor refuted. There are no compromising photos in the public domain, Tolstaya comes to social gatherings alone or in the company of friends. True, she recently hinted that among them there is one, especially close, always ready to help and protect. Who this person is is unknown. But, perhaps, he will soon appear along with his chosen one, giving a new reason for speculation and rumors.