Babies grow very quickly, and gradually a lot of things accumulate in the closet that have become small for the child. If you still have a pair of cute socks, then try to make an adorable kitten out of them - it will become a wonderful decoration of the children's room.

It is necessary
- - a pair of cute baby socks, preferably striped;
- - three beads for eyes and nose;
- - scissors, a needle, thread, ribbons.
Step 1
We turn both socks inside out and straighten them, as shown in the photo.

Step 2
From the first sock we make the body of a kitten. To do this, we sew a strong double stitch in the middle from the toe to the beginning of the heel, and then make a neat cut between the lines. These are the kitten's hind legs.

Step 3
We turn the part over to the front side, straighten the legs from the inside, stuff the body with soft padding material - cotton wool, synthetic fluff; you can use old tights, cut into thin "noodles".

Step 4
We sew an open edge with an elastic band with a blind seam. Then we sew a line from the edge of the elastic to the beginning of the heel - we get the front legs (in this case, not separated).

Step 5
From the second sock we cut out the head of a kitten with ears, as shown in the photo. Sew the top edge.

Step 6
We turn out the part, stuff it, form an even ball with ears. We turn the elastic inward and sew the edge with a blind seam.

Step 7
Sew on the beads in place of the kitten's eyes and nose. We sew the head to the body.

Step 8
We make a tail from the remainder of the second sock: cut out a circle, sew a needle along the circumference with a seam "forward" and slightly tighten the thread, fill in the resulting ball, finally tighten the thread and sew the tail to the "regular" place. You can decorate the kitten with decorative elements, for example, a bow.