The Chinese garland differs from the Soviet one, firstly, in that it contains several times more bulbs, and secondly, in that they are usually not removable. However, these garlands can also be repaired.

Step 1
Stock up on several garlands equipped with bulbs with the same parameters. One of them will be a "donor" of lamps to repair the rest.
Step 2
After disconnecting the garland from the network, open the controller. See if any wires are unsoldered from the board. On one of its sides there are two pads for connecting a power cord, on the other - five pads for connecting color channels. One of these pads is located to the side of the remaining four - the common wire of the channels is connected to it. Often on soldering to these pads of conductors sealed off from them, the repair ends. When you are finished using the controller, close it.
Step 3
Some strings are equipped with bulbs that self-close when burned out. The light bulb, in which the shorting device has worked, has less resistance than the serviceable one, which is why the rest of the channel lamps operate in a forced mode. Therefore, burned-out lamps in such a garland must be replaced as soon as possible with serviceable ones. They can be taken from the "donor" garland. Replace it by disconnecting the garland, carefully solder all connections and insulate with several layers of electrical tape.
Step 4
If there are no shorting devices in the lamps, when one of them burns out, the entire channel goes out. It is clear that dialing each of them separately will take a lot of time, so you will have to use the iteration method. After turning off the power, cut the channel exactly in the middle. Ring the sections of the canal from start to middle and from middle to end. Now it is clear in which of them the burned-out lamp is located. This section can also be divided in half and ring both halves of it, and so on until the burned-out lamp is found. Replace it by taking a serviceable one from the "donor" garland. After that, reconnect the wires wherever you cut them. Solder and insulate the connections carefully.
Step 5
Broken light bulbs are especially dangerous in the garland. When turned on, they instantly burn out, while the full mains voltage begins to act between the thread holders, which are not isolated by anything. Such lamps should be replaced immediately with serviceable ones.
Step 6
Never short-circuit a burned out or broken lamp instead of replacing it with a new one, otherwise increased voltage will be applied to the remaining lamps in the channel, and they will burn out faster.
Step 7
Repair of an LED garland has two features. The first of them is that the new LED must be switched on in the same polarity as the other diodes of the same channel (a rectifier is installed in the controller of any garland). The second feature is the need to connect a resistor in series with each of the LEDs. Its value should be the same as that of the resistors on the other diodes of the same string. It is impossible to mix bulbs and LEDs in the same garland, since the former have a rated current of 50 or 100 mA, and the latter have 20.
Step 8
After completing the repair, before continuing to use the garland, be sure to carefully inspect it for uninsulated connections. Insulate them carefully.